
Monday 19 May 2014

Regular town to home wander 19.05.14

Again, a wander in a westerly direction checking hedgerows, nettle patches and the sky for usual residents and, hopefully, a good surprise. Nothing untoward but good number of yellowhammers on their territory as well as displaying whitethroats, singing chiffchaff, blackcap and garden warbler.
A check on the nettle patch came up with one new species for my records, a dock bug (Coreus marginatus)
Coreus marginatus

Clouded silver

Harlequin ladybird
This clouded silver was noted flying in Green Street, where also several skylarks were acrobatically moving about. Bird wise, all rather quiet and no further sign of last week's sedge warbler. However, it place had been taken by a female mallard. First record for one in this particular ditch.


speckled wood


Butterflies increased along with the temperature, reaching over 25C by 10.30a.m. Speckled wood, small tortoiseshell, large white, brimstone and orangetip were all recorded.
All in all, very quiet.

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