
Tuesday 20 May 2014

Increased moth Activity

A super night  mothing last night. Firstly, having set up the garden trap, I went out for a wander at 10.30pm with net and bright head torch, netting several common species such as green carpet, silver ground carpet, chinese character and rustic shoulder-knot. Returning to the garden at 11.30, it was clear I was in for a busy session with plenty of activity in and around the 125 watt lamp.
This morning, I was up early to check the contents and the results were by far and away the best so far this year.
In all 24 species were taken combined and in total 38 moths. Just for this record occasion I shall list all species.
Flame shoulder 2
Green carpet 3
Chinese character
Silver ground carpet
Common marbled carpet
Pale tussock
Mottled pug 6
White ermine
Common white wave (new for year 48th species)
common pug  3
Poplar hawkmoth
Shuttle shaped dart
marbled minor complex 4 (49th species NFY)
Waved umber
V pug (NFY  50th species)
Brindled pug

Bee moth
Emmelina monodactyla 2
Eulia ministrana 2 (new moth for me 14th micro of year)
Epiphyas postvittana (15th micro for year)
Agonopterix subpropinquella (16th micro NFY)
Celypha lacunana (17th micro NFY)
Syndemis musculana
Ag subpropinquella

Celypha lacunana

common marbled carpet

underwing shot of common marbled carpet

Eulia ministrana

Syndemis musculana

V pug
Also in the trap was this magnificently names bug of the hemiptera  order Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus !! At about 6mm in length it's name is far longer than the creature itself.

Finally, as I was checking the trap, I left the patio door open and, upon returning, found a great tit perched on my birdwatching scope in the lounge!!

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