
Wednesday 26 March 2014

Hunt for migrants 26.03.14

Out this morning trying to find migrants. At this time of the year, I always get ahead of myself and expect summer visitors to arrive a fortnight before they always do. However, wheatears have been reported in Herts, so worth the search. Only 5 chiffchaffs recorded today, along with the regular residents.
A party of 100+ linnets and 15+ yellowhammers noted on a recently harrowed field near the town was a good start. Jays, magpies and other corvids called, as did 2 common buzzards near Muggins Wood.
It appears that the redwing and fieldfare, which have been in low numbers this winter, have now departed.
2 male yellowhammers


greater stitchwort

wood anemone

dog violet

wood anemone

blue tit

lesser celandine

marsh marigold

marsh marigold

long tailed tit
Plant wise, lesser celandine, cowslip, dog violet, greater stitchwort, wood anemone, ground ivy and marsh marigold were all noted. Good array of local colour in the verges and woods.

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