
Thursday 27 February 2014

Owl Pellets

The old moat at Hadham Hall
Out at midday today to try and find enough barn owl pellets for a school science day on the skeleton. Managed to find 20, rather soggy ones underneath a regular barn owl roost. Even better was actually finding the pair in their regular tree hole where they have resided for over 3 years.
Also on the tree trunk was a single treecreeper, a year list bird for me. Skylarks and redwings were on the wing but just the solitary overwintering coot on the irrigation lagoon.
A check around Hadham Hall afterwards gave views of the resident moorhens on the old moat to the Tudor hall, but no goldcrests in the conifers within the grounds. A great spotted woodpecker was heard in New Spring Wood, so all in all, a successful half hour.

Distant barn owls

Tree reflections at Hadham Hall


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