
Monday 24 February 2014

Local Wander 24.02.14

A superb wander this morning in temperatures hitting 14C. Good selection of birds as I walked back from Tescos via Bury Green, Millfield Lane and Hoecroft Lane.
Highlight was undoubtedly this peacock butterfly, seen near the cricket ground in Millfield Lane that has emerged from hibernation in a tree hole or garden shed.. My first butterfly of the year.
1st butterfly of the year
The birds that appeared to be most vociferous were robins, skylarks, yellowhammers along with a good sized party of fieldfare (50+) and a few redwing. Green woodpeckers called and 5 common buzzards were mewing overhead. 2 parties of bullfinches were noted, but their shy and retiring nature meant too difficult to get a worthwhile shot. A group of 12 herring gulls went overhead, whilst wrens, dunnocks, green, gold and chaffinches were also seen.

robin in good voice

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