
Wednesday 26 April 2023

Norfolk 26.04.23 Species List

Lesser whitethroat


Bearded reedling

Bearded reedling



 Visits to:

North Point Pools and Kelling Heath with no camera. Raining and very dark early on.

Kelling Quags. Light improved

Cley Beach, grey

Warham Greens. Long walk, good birds, poor light

Holkham Freshmarsh for a quick check

Brancaster Staithe for a quick check

Titchwell. Bird of the day, very distant Temminck's Stint

Species: Only seen once, site given.

Year listers in bold.

  1. Great crested Grebe (Cley beach)
  2. Gannet (Cley beach)
  3. Cormorant
  4. Grey heron
  5. Little egret
  6. Spoonbill (Warham Greens x5)
  7. Mute swan
  8. Greylag goose
  9. Brent goose
  10. Canada goose
  11. Egyptian Goose (Holkham Freshmarsh)
  12. Shelduck
  13. Mallard
  14. Gadwall
  15. Teal
  16. Common scoter (Cley beach)
  17. Red kite
  18. Sparrowhawk (Kelling Quags)
  19. Common buzzard
  20. Marsh Harrier (Titchwell)
  21. Kestrel
  22. Red legged partridge (Kelling Quags)
  23. Pheasant
  24. Moorhen
  25. Coot
  26. Oystercatcher
  27. Avocet
  28. Ringed plover (Titchwell)
  29. Little Ringed plover (Titchwell)
  30. Turnstone (Titchwell)
  31. Lapwing
  32. Dunlin (Titchwell)
  33. Temminck's Stint (Titchwell Tidal Lagoon)
  34. Sanderling (Titchwell beach)
  35. Redshank
  36. Common sandpiper (Titchwell Tidal Lagoon)
  37. Curlew
  38. Black tailed godwit
  39. Bar tailed godwit (Titchwell beach)
  40. Black headed gull
  41. Herring gull
  42. Lesser black backed gull
  43. Great black backed gull (all gulls 2 - 4 year olds apart from BHG)
  44. Sandwich tern (Cley beach)
  45. Wood pigeon
  46. Collared dove
  47. Cuckoo (flying east over Titchwell sand dunes)
  48. Barn Owl (near Swaffham on drive there)
  49. Great spotted woodpecker (Kelling Quags)
  50. Wood lark (Kelling Heath)
  51. Skylark.
  52. Swallow
  53. Sand martin
  54. Meadow pipit
  55. Pied wagtail
  56. Dunnock
  57. Reed warbler
  58. Sedge warbler (Titchwell)
  59. Cetti's warbler
  60. Whitethroat
  61. Lesser whitethroat (Warham Green x 2)
  62. Garden warbler (Warham Green at Whirlygig roundabout)
  63. Blackcap
  64. Willow warbler
  65. Chiffchaff
  66. Wheatear (10 in total)
  67. Stonechat (Kelling Quags)
  68. Whinchat 
  69. Robin
  70. Blackbird
  71. Ring Ouzel (Warham Green at Whirlygig roundabout)
  72. Song thrush
  73. Long tailed tit
  74. Great tit
  75. Blue tit
  76. Nuthatch (Titchwell)
  77. Wren
  78. Reed bunting
  79. Chaffinch
  80. Goldfinch
  81. Linnet
  82. House sparrow
  83. Starling
  84. Jay
  85. Magpie
  86. Jackdaw
  87. Carrion crow
  88. Rook

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