
Saturday 22 October 2022

Norfolk Day 21.10.22

 Day trip to North Norfolk with Rick Stead. Setting off in very misty conditions wasn't the best start but by mid-afternoon the light had improved.

First stop was Wells Woods, but very little about so off to Garden Drove where numerous Goldcrests and finches were found, but no unusual migrants. A check over Warham Greens before we drove east, coffee at Cley and then a walk along the East Bank. Here, the first big hitter of the day, a Long Billed Dowitcher, an American wader. Plenty of other waders about including huge number of Golden Plover at Arnold's Marsh.

Out to sea, gulls, razorbills, gannets and several Red throated divers before back to the car and a long wander to the end of Holkham Pines, almost to Gun Hill for a selection of warblers, all in a single area by the Three Sycamores: Pallas's Warbler, Wood Warbler, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Firecrest and many more Goldcrests.

A day when quality outweighed quantity with several additions to the year list.


  1. Red throated diver
  2. Little grebe
  3. Gannet
  4. Cormorant
  5. Little egret
  6. Grey heron
  7. Mute swan
  8. Greylag Goose
  9. Canada goose
  10. Brent goose
  11. Shelduck
  12. Mallard
  13. Shoveler
  14. Gadwall
  15. Teal
  16. Wigeon
  17. Red kite
  18. Marsh harrier
  19. Common buzzard
  20. Kestrel
  21. Red legged partridge
  22. Pheasant
  23. Moorhen
  24. Coot
  25. Avocet
  26. Golden plover
  27. Lapwing
  28. Redshank
  29. Black tailed godwit
  30. Curlew
  31. Jack snipe
  32. Ruff
  33. Long billed dowitcher
  34. Black headed gull
  35. Common gull
  36. Herring gull
  37. Lesser black backed gull
  38. Great black backed gull
  39. Razorbill
  40. Wood pigeon
  41. Skylark
  42. Meadow pipit
  43. Pied wagtail
  44. Grey wagtail
  45. Wren
  46. Dunnock
  47. Robin
  48. Redwing
  49. Blackbird
  50. Blackcap
  51. Cetti's warbler
  52. Wood warbler
  53. Chiffchaff
  54. Pallas's warbler
  55. Goldcrest
  56. Firecrest
  57. Great tit
  58. Blue tit
  59. Coal Tit
  60. Long tailed tit
  61. Bearded reedling
  62. Magpie
  63. Jay
  64. Carrion Crow
  65. Rook
  66. Jackdaw
  67. Starling
  68. Chaffinch
  69. Linnet
  70. Goldfinch
  71. Siskin.
Juvenile Herring Gull

Curlew, Wells harbour

Goldfinch and Chaffinch in misty conditions

Wigeon from the East Bank

distant Long billed dowitcher

Long billed dowitcher

Dunlin at Cley

more Dunlin

Redshank, 2 Black tailed godwits and a male Teal

Golden plover

Common darter


Black tailed godwit


Little egret

distant Ruff and Reeves at Cley.

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