
Friday 29 April 2022

Afternoon at Amwell and Rye Meads Reserves

Drake pochard

 Set off for Amwell at lunch time. Grey and a tad nippy but plenty of birds from the Viewing Point. 100's of swallows over the water and mixed in with these were several Sand martins, House martins and my first Swifts of the year. I tried to get some flight shots but the light was just too poor for a high shutter speed.

Roosting on the mud were 8 Common terns, another year lister whilst everywhere were gulls, mainly Black headed but a few Common, Herring and Lesser Black Backed mixed in with them.

Off to the James Hide but only a pair of nesting Canada geese so onwards to the White Hide. More gulls, Grey heron and Cormorants.

I headed back to the Viewing Point where a pair of Little Ringed plovers arrived. Then decided to try the hides at Rye Meads, just down the road.

Common tern

Common tern and 2nd CY Common gull

Herring gull

Flyby Mallard drake

2nd CY Common gull


Inquisitive Robin

Lesser black backed gull



Common tern

Arrived at Rye Meads and grabbed a coffee before heading to the Draper Hide. Here, a pair of Little ringed plover, gulls and wildfowl so took the seasonal trail around to the bust Kingfisher Hub. No sign of the star attraction in the 20 minutes I was present. Day old coots, Reed bunting, Kestrel and Gadwall all noted, though.

Around to the Tern Hide where pochard were diving and then a check on the reed bed from the Ashby Hide. At first, a very distant female Kingfisher in a willow that then came to the reeds to check for fish before heading back to the willow and lost from view. Few poor record shots below.

Species list for the day:

  1. Little grebe
  2. Great crested grebe
  3. Cormorant
  4. Grey heron
  5. Mute swan
  6. Greylag goose
  7. Canada goose
  8. Mallard
  9. Gadwall
  10. Shoveler
  11. Pochard
  12. Tufted duck
  13. Kestrel
  14. Common buzzard
  15. Pheasant
  16. Moorhen
  17. Coot
  18. Little ringed plover
  19. Lapwing
  20. Black headed gull
  21. Common gull
  22. Herring gull
  23. Lesser black backed gull
  24. Common tern
  25. Wood pigeon
  26. Stock dove
  27. Collared dove
  28. Swift
  29. Kingfisher
  30. Sand martin
  31. Swallow
  32. House martin
  33. Pied wagtail
  34. Wren
  35. Dunnock
  36. Robin
  37. Song thrush
  38. Blackbird
  39. Blackcap
  40. Whitethroat
  41. Sedge warbler
  42. Reed warbler
  43. Cetti's warbler (heard)
  44. Chiffchaff
  45. Great tit
  46. Blue tit
  47. Long tailed tit 
  48. Magpie
  49. Jay
  50. Jackdaw
  51. Carrion crow
  52. Starling
  53. House sparrow
  54. Chaffinch
  55. Goldfinch
  56. Linnet
  57. Reed bunting
Little ringed plover

2 Little ringed plover


Female Tufted duck

Male Tufted duck

Drake Gadwall

Female kestrel in her nest box

Day old Coot

Female Reed bunting

Black headed gull

Little grebe

Duck Pochard

Drake Pochard

Diving Pochard, drake

Very distant female Kingfisher

Closer but still distant!

Canada goose family on an afternoon stroll

Canada goslings

Another gosling

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