
Saturday 8 January 2022

2022 Bird List Updated 29.11.22


Bird List 2022.  

  1. Great crested grebe

2.     Little grebe

3.     Cormorant

4.     Little egret

5.     Cattle egret

6.     Great white egret (Dungeness)

7.     Grey heron

8.     Mute swan

9.     Greylag goose

10.  Canada goose

11.  Bean goose (Dungeness)

12.  Mallard

13.  Gadwall

14.  Teal

15.  Shoveler

16.  Pochard

17.  Goldeneye

18.  Tufted duck

19.  Scaup

20.  Red kite

21.  Common buzzard

22.  Marsh harrier

23.  Kestrel

24.  Sparrowhawk


Peregrine falcons


25.  Peregrine falcon

26.  Moorhen

27.  Coot

28.  Redshank

29.  Black headed gull

30.  Herring gull

31.  Caspian gull

32.  Lesser black backed gull

33.  Great back blacked gull

34.  Kittiwake

35.  Stock dove

36.  Green woodpecker

37.  Great spotted woodpecker

38.  Nuthatch



39.  Wood pigeon

40.  Collared dove

41.  Tawny owl

42.  Little owl

43.  Meadow pipit

44.  Pied wagtail

45.  Wren

46.  Robin

47.  Black redstart (Dungeness)

48.  Mistle thrush

49.  Fieldfare

50.  Redwing

51.  Blackbird

52.  Cetti’s warbler

53.  Goldcrest

54.  Great tit

55.  Blue tit

56.  Long tailed tit

57.  Bearded reedling

58.  Magpie

59.  Jay

60.  Jackdaw

61.  Carrion crow

62.  Rook

63.  Starling

64.  Chaffinch

65.  Goldfinch

66.  Bullfinch

67.  Greenfinch

68.  Siskin

69.  Reed bunting

70.  Yellowhammer

71. Marsh tit (Bloodhounds Wood)

72. Pheasant

73. Raven

74. Skylark

Red Kite on a bright January morning

75. Linnet
76. Song thrush
78. Common gull
79. Lapwing.
80. Stonechat
81. Mandarin
82. Snipe
83. Pintail (Rainham Marsh)
84. Shelduck.
85. Woodcock (Millennium Wood)
Pintail at Rainham Marsh

86. Red legged partridge
87. Tree creeper
88. Curlew
89. Redshank
90. Oystercatcher
91. Short eared owl (Elmley)
92. Brent goose.
93. Avocet
94. Golden plover
95. Turnstone
96. Black tailed godwit
97. Hawfinch (Hatfield Forest)
Short eared owl.

98. Red throated diver
99. Pink footed goose
100. White fronted goose (Holkham)
101. Egyptian goose
102. Barnacle goose
103. Common scoter
104. Red breasted merganser (Titchwell)
105. Ringed plover
106.Grey plover
107. Dunlin
108. Knot
109. Bar tailed godwit
110. Sanderling
111. Barn owl (Brancaster)

Barnacle goose

Egyptian goose


Red breasted merganser

112. Kingfisher (River Stort)
113. Grey wagtail
114. Goosander (Abberton)
115. Smew (Abberton)
116. Ruff (Abberton)
117. Rose ringed parakeet (Much Hadham)

Grey wagtail

White fronted geese at Holkham

Ruff at Abberton

Goosander at Abberton

118: Jack snipe (Minsmere)
119. Lesser yellowlegs (Minsmere)
120. Whooper swan (Minsmere)
121. Grey partridge (Little Hadham)
122. Merlin (Suffolk near Pebmarsh)
123. Chiffchaff (Stansted Airport Lagoons)
124. Green sandpiper (Stansted Airport Lagoons)
125. Mediterranean Gull (Cliffe)
126. Greenshank (Cliffe)
127 Garden warbler (Cliffe)
Whooper swan

Lesser yellowlegs with Redshank at Minsmere.

Mediterranean Gull with ring that I have reported.
Edit: Ringed in Brussels, reported from Belgium and France before this record being first for this bird in England.

128. Spoonbill (Thornham Marsh)
129. Garganey (Cley)
130. Hobby (Titchwell)
131 Little ringed plover (Titchwell)
132. Brambling (Titchwell)
133. Red crested pochard (Rye Meads)
134. Gannet (Dungeness)
135. Glossy ibis (Dungeness)
136. Willow warbler (Dungeness)
137. Reed warbler (Dungeness)
138. Wheatear (Dungeness)
139. Swallow (Airport lagoons)

Brambling, Titchwell

Drake Garganey, Cley

Red crested pochard at Rye Meads RSPB Reserve


Glossy ibis

Little Ringed plover at Stansted Airport Lagoons 08.04.22

140. Whitethroat (Amwell)
141. Sedge warbler (Amwell)
142. Sand martin (Kelling Quags)
143. Sandwich tern (Cley beach)
144. Dartford warbler (Kelling Heath)
145. Common sandpiper (Stansted Airport Lagoons)
146. House martin (Standon village)

Common sandpiper at SAL.

Sedge warbler at Amwell HMWT Reserve 16.04.22

147. Swift (Amwell)
148. Common tern (Amwell)
149. Great Northern Diver (Portland Bill)
150. Fulmar (The Bill)
151. Balearic shearwater (The Bill)
152. Shag (The Bill)
153. Arctic skua (The Bill)
154. Guillemot (The Bill)
155. Razorbill (The Bill.)
156. Little Tern (Ferrybridge)
157. Rock pipit (The Bill)
158. Spotted flycatcher (West Cliffs, Portland)

Common tern




Rock pipit


159. Stone curlew (Weeting Heath)
160. Common crane (Lakenheath)
161. Cuckoo (Lakenheath)
162. Bittern (Lakenheath)
163. Water rail (Lakenheath)
164. Hoopoe (Hinxworth)

Bee eaters at Trimingham Quarry

Pied flycatcher at Gramborough Hill

Whinchat Ash Valley Golf Course, Little Hadham

Hoopoe at Hinxworth near Baldock

165. Wood lark (Kelling Heath)
166. Bee eater (Trimingham)
167. Spotted redshank (Titchwell)
168. Yellow wagtail (SAL)
169. Pied flycatcher (Wells Woods)
170 Whimbrel (Titchwell)
171. Lesser whitethroat (Wells Woods)
172. Pectoral sandpiper (Cley)
173. Whinchat (Little Hadham)
174. Long billed dowitcher (Cley)
175. Pallas's warbler (Holkham Pines)
176. Wood warbler (Holkham Pines)
177. Firecrest (Holkham Pines)
178. Red necked Grebe (Holkham)
179. Hen Harrier (Choseley)
180. Shore lark (Holkham)
181. Water pipit (Titchwell)
182. Twite (Salthouse)
183. Lesser Redpoll (Titchwell)
184. Long tailed duck (Abberton)
185. Slavonian grebe (Abberton)
186. Little Stint (Abberton)

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