
Thursday 1 July 2021

Norfolk: Grey, Nippy, Drizzly and July!

 Set off to North Norfolk after several changes of mind. Yesterday afternoon I had decided on Norfolk, then checked the weather and changed to a Dungeness trip and then at 6 this morning weather forecast had changed and showed Norfolk to be reasonable, if grey.

I decided to go straight to Cley beach for a sea watch as there was a decent breeze. Glad I did: Gannet, Herring gull, Black headed gull, Little Gull, Common gull, Teal, Tufted duck, Whimbrel, Curlew, Bar tailed godwit, Arctic skua, Sandwich tern, Common tern, Little tern, Cormorant, Fulmar and Common scoter were all noted. Many far out and with the infuriatingly poor light, photos were virtually impossible. It began to drizzle, the type that gets everything wet very quickly so I thought I would head West. 

Checked a few places en route before arriving at Titchwell. Temps much improved but not so the light. Walked to the beach and back with Whimbrel, Spotted redshank and first ruff of the summer noted. Huge numbers of avocet on the Freshmarsh.

Headed back to the car and thought I would pop in on the Roller as it was only a few miles from 5 Wentways roundabout that is my usual route. It was very distant and then made itself even more distant by dropping down on to a fence post some 600 metres away. 

All photos through 600mm lens at full extension and invariable large crops. Silly ISO numbers to try and keep the shutter speed up for birds out to sea. 

Herring gull

Very distant and misty gannets

Sandwich tern

Sandwich tern with sand eel

Yet another Sandwich tern

A very distant Arctic skua

Same bird

Common tern riding the surf

Little gull

Sandwich tern

Had me guessing with dark legs but looked to just be a Herring gull

Same gull with what threw me: dark legs, but just mucky

Black tailed godwit in breeding plumage, but not off to breeding grounds. Adolescent bird.

Showing black tail


Splendid reed bunting on Thornham Marsh

Same bird

Pair of Great egrets, right hand one still showing breeding beak colouration

Busy oystercatcher

Thgis redshank was in post breeding moult and had lost tail feathers.

Chinese Water Deer on Thornham Marsh

My first view of my 2nd UK Roller. Stunning views!

It then moved further away!

But did pose a bit. These from 600 metres.

1 comment:

  1. Shame about the weather but some superb birds there
