
Sunday 29 November 2020

Foggy Times at Wallington

 This afternoon set off for Wallington near Baldock to check along the lane for several birds of prey: merlin, Hen harrier, Short eared owl as well as Corn buntings, a species long since departed from East Herts.

Drove through thick fog around Cottered and nearly turned around but upon arriving at Wallington Road the fog was now a little thinner. I scanned the fields where a few other birders were and the Merlin was found on the ground, some 400 yards away. A pale breasted Common buzzard sat atop a telegraph pole, Corn buntings sat on the wires and a pair of stonechat posed on top of umbellifers. A tractor and quad bike disturbed the lot so off up the lane for the SEO. A couple out walking had seen it some 15 minutes previously but after 2 hours in worsening light, I headed home having not seen it. Try again in better light conditions later in the week. 

Some record shots here.

Corn buntings and goldfinches

Pair of Corn buntings

Fog bound Common buzzard

As clear as I can get the Merlin shots


  1. Jono,

    I see you managed to seethe SEO(s) today after our lack of luck the other day. May I ask where specifically you saw it / them?

    David Lyons

    PS Has that car been rescued yet?

  2. Hi David, Sorry, only just noticed your comment. The SEO was along the footpath we walked up towards Bygrave and then flew over the road, up the hedge on the ploughed fields. See that it has not been reported recently but the Hen Harrier and Merlin are still both present. Jono

  3. The car had gone when I returned but lot of earth moved so must have been dragged out.
