
Sunday 31 May 2020

A Virtual tour of Sri Lanka

Since Jan 2014 I have visited the superb island of Sri Lanka on 10 separate occasions and every time have found time for some wildlife watching. In 2017 I helped establish a Learning Centre near Galle in the South West of the island so spend time there organising, planning and leading sessions for the students that attend free of charge. The centre is set up to help children from disadvantaged families learn English to help them improve their job prospects. We take children from the age of 6 up to 18 and are now beginning to see the first cohort now getting jobs in tourism, insurance and technology. I was last there in Jan/Feb of this year where we had youngsters attending the centre every day. I borrowed good friend of many years, Anoma Alagiyawadu's scooter so managed to get out to watch the birds inland. On my last full day we took ourselves up to a rain forest for birds and butterflies, where I got eaten by leeches!

These are the wildlife photos I have managed to get on all my travels, including trips to many of the National Reserves. All of them are completely in the wild apart from the turtles which were kept at a sustainable conservation minded turtle hatchery.

We had planned to return in November, but that is yet to be confirmed and I will be hoping that a tour I am leading for naturalists at the end of January 2021 will still be taking place. 

If anyone would like details of this fantastic destination then please do contact me. If you are planning on a holiday there anytime, again, let me know as I am able to organise transport, hotel suggestions and arrange for Anoma to be your guide. He is the leading authority on whale migration south of the island. The best place to encounter blue whales. 

Click on the photos to enlarge and then just scroll through. I have only added captions to a couple but if you would like to know more, let me know.



Reptiles and Amphibians


Turtle Hatchery

My wife Wendy meets her first turtle

Working at MindGarden Learning Centre

Making kites

Presentation day

March 2019. Many of these students now in good employment

My last day after 11 days teaching these wonderful people

Replanting a rainforest near Galle

Anoma, Wendy, Anusha and myself out for a meal in Galle March 2019


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