
Tuesday 28 April 2020

Wildlife of The Camargue.

A photo display of the birds and other wildlife found in The Camargue, south west France. Click on any photo to enlarge.
All slides will include text of species where appropriate. These photos were taken in May of last year over 4 days when I stayed at Saintes Maries de la Mer. Flight from Stansted to Nimes £85 return and a pleasant 3 star hotel for £60 per night b&b plus car hire of £125. Average spend per day on food, evening meal and drinks, around £30.00. Total cost without being frugal £600.
This is one of my most popular talks for RSPB groups, Natural History Societies and Ornithological groups. I also gave an edited version of this at the Bird Fair at Rutland Water last summer, so the trips do eventually pay for themselves.

Click on first photo and there should be a film roll come up underneath the enlarged version. Just continue to click on the next slide.
Map of The Camargue
Yellow legged gulls

Little egret

One of only 3 bird hides in the whole area. This at Parc Ornithologique 4km north of Saintes Maries de la Mer

Glossy Ibis

Squacco heron

A long hot walk to the lighthouse in the distance where there are good bushes for warblers. Temp 26C

Glossy ibis

The Camargue is famous for its bulls and horses. One reason why you stay on the paths!


Melodious warbler

Cattle egret in breeding plumage

Another cattle egret

Greater flamingoes

nesting little egrets

Grey heron

Little egret courtship

Juvenile little egret

Black winged stilt

Avocet chicks disobeying mum and not following!

Parc Ornithologique

Grey heron

Notre Dame church, Saintes Maries de la Mer at night

Egyptian locust

same insect

Hiding hoopoe

White stork

Great white egret

Crested lark

Tawny pipit


Bee eater

Too good to miss

Distant Whiskered tern

White winged black tern, a rarity

Pony trekking is very popular

Black redstart

Mute swan

Great reed warbler

Purple heron


Great reed warbler

Reed warbler

Great white egret

Gull billed tern


female serin

Clouded buff moth

Glossy ibis

Green underside blue butterfly



Red veined darter, juvenile or teneral as they are called


Yellow wagtail sub species cinereocapilla

House martin

Bee eaters

4 spotted moth

Potter wasp species

Slender billed gull

a superb bee eater

Clouded yellow

roadside flamingos in soft morning light. One of my favourites.

Mediterranean gulls with Glossy ibis behind

Red footed falcon

sacred ibis

short toed eagle

Scarlet darter

Black crowned night heron

Common tern

Garden warbler

Sandwich tern

Spectacled warbler

Zitting cisticola, used to be called the more pleasant name of Fan tailed warbler

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