
Saturday 4 April 2020

Weekend Activity

Morning All,
Today I am suggesting a really good initiative that can combine an interest in nature and help an elderly or vulnerable member of our society. This is aimed at locals to Bishop's Stortford and Swabridgeworth, but something folk from further afield can also think about. A very worthy idea.

Today's activity:

The Wellbeloved Club in Stortford and Sawbridgeworth, set up to help the elderly and isolated in the towns have set up an initiative whereby children become penpals with elderly folk. All that is required is that children write a newsy, interesting letter which can contain nature drawings, a poem or a painting, too and put it in an envelope. Either drop it off at the Bishop's Stortford Independent office at 12, North Street or post it, marking the envelope penpal. Staff in the office will do the rest. Please do include your address.
I think you'll agree, a brilliant thing to do. 

Round up from the last few days. With the colder weather, not too much in the garden of note. I came across this Pardosa spider species floating along on its silken thread.
Pardosa species
I also received a photo for identification of a bee species sitting on Jack in the Hedge (Allaria pettiolata) which I have yet to discover which species of Andrena bee it is. There are 67 species in this genus and all rather similar so a case of whittling down the ones it can';t be to begin with eg coastal species, rarities found only at one site in the UK etc.
As yet, unidentified bee species. (I'll be back)
Also in my garden a male robin was singing to establish his territory. Seems very partial to the next door neighbours holly tree.

Also, this weekend looks to be a really wonderful one weather wise. Get out in the garden and try to get photos of insects that will be about. How about mix up some honey or syrup with water to dilute it a little and use a paint brush to put it on a fence or tree trunk that is in full sun around midday?
You may well attract a lot of creatures and they will be easier to photograph. Here's a fence panel I did a couple of days ago.

One word of advice. Please don't use sugar for this solution as the sugar can crystallise on the mouth parts of the insect and make feeding more difficult. Honey is best.

Here was what was attracted on a cold blustery day. This weekend should be far better.
Do have a go and please do send in your photos to me at jforgham"at" or put a comment below. Look forward to being challenged.
Please do get writing to the elderly and isolated, they are certainly worth it. 
Have a great weekend.

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