
Monday 6 April 2020

Garden List during Self Isolation

Self isolation list now into its 53rd week and last day. Updated: 22.03.2021 Species: 874.

Red Kite

Got everything nearly correct with manual settings for this lucky shot.

  1. Grey heron
  2. Greylag goose (heard overhead whilst checking moth trap after dark)
  3.  Canada goose
  4.  Mallard
  5.  Red kite
  6.  Common buzzard
  7.  Pheasant (heard)
  8.  Wood pigeon (nesting in silver birch at the front of the house)
  9.  Collared dove
  10.  Tawny owl (heard)
  11. Little owl (heard)
  12.  Great spotted woodpecker 
  13.  Green woodpecker
  14.  Skylark (heard)
  15.  Pied wagtail
  16.  Wren
  17.  Dunnock (nesting in next door's hedge)
  18.  Robin (nesting in neighbour's hedge)
  19.  Song thrush
  20.  Blackbird
  21.  Chiffchaff 
  22. Goldcrest
  23.  Great tit (nesting in hole in old tree stump next door)
  24.  Coal tit
  25.  Blue tit
  26.  Long tailed tit
  27.  Magpie
  28.  Jackdaw (nesting under tiles in the chapel at the bottom of the garden)
  29.  Carrion crow
  30.  Rook (nesting in the rookery south of the village)
  31.  Starling
  32.  House sparrow
  33.  Chaffinch
  34.  Goldfinch (nesting in the garden)
  35.  Blackcap (female in the garden)
  36.  Ring necked parakeet (heard and then in garden 9th November)
  37.  Mistle thrush
  38.  Jay
  39. Herring gull (2 over on the 10th, early evening)
  40.  Hobby (south overhead 19.04.20)
  41. Red legged partridge (2 over the house early evening 19th)
  42.  Cuckoo (heard morning 27th)
  43.  Sparrowhawk (female through the garden 30th)
  44.  Bullfinch (calling from holly tree, early on 2nd May)
  45.  Whitethroat (heard from allotments)
  46.  Greenfinch (morning of 4th)
  47.  Kestrel (over garden evening of 4th)
  48.  Swallow (over garden 7th)
  49.  Linnet (over garden 8th)
  50.  Raven (high, over garden 15th and another 15th Nov)
  51.  Swift (a pair, north over the garden 19th May)
  52.  Mute swan (single bird north 16th June) 
  53. House martin (2 overhead 9th July) 
  54.  Lesser black backed gull (30+ north 9th July evening)
  55.  Nuthatch (15th early morning calling and then seen)
  56.  Cormorant (24th, north up the Ash Valley 9am)
  57.  Barn owl (26th heard hissing from the garden 10pm and again heard from garden 15th March) 
  58.  Black headed gull (mixed flock midday 23rd August)   
  59.  Redwing (75+ flock over 8.15am on 15th Oct)
  60.  Fieldfare (flock over 6.30am 2nd Nov)  
  61.  Common gull (mixed flock over 27th Dec 10am)
  62.  Reed bunting (on garden feeder 14th March 2021)

    Feeding red kite over the garden

    Blue tit feeding on lilac seeds

    2 Black headed gull and Herring gull

    Blackcap, female.


Red kite

Coal tit
Common buzzard


Rose ringed parakeet

  1.  Peacock
  2.  Small white
  3. Large white
  4.  Brimstone
  5.  Small tortoiseshell
  6.  Comma
  7.  Orange tip
  8.  Red admiral
  9.  Small heath
  10.  Speckled wood
  11.  Common blue
  12.  Holly blue
  13.  Meadow brown
  14.  Small skipper (1st July)
  15. Green veined white (3rd July)
  16.  Gatekeeper (7th) 
  17.  Painted Lady (15th August) 
    Painted Lady
    Red admiral


    Meadow brown
Peacock nectaring

Large white

Large white

Speckled wood

Small heath

Small heath

  1.  Small quaker
  2.  Common quaker
  3. Clouded drab
  4. Diurnea fagella
  5. Oak beauty
  6. Emmelina monodactyla
  7. Emperor
  8.  Double striped pug
  9.  March moth
  10.  Engrailed 
  11.  Hebrew character 
  12.  Agonopterix heracliana
  13.  Mompha subbistrigella
  14.  Streamer
  15.  Scorched carpet
  16.  Muslin moth
  17.  Ypsolopha mucronella
  18.  Acleris schalleriana
  19.  Epiphyas postvittana
  20.  Lunar marbled brown.
  21.  Oak tree pug
  22.  Brindled pug
  23. Brimstone
  24.  Ruby tiger
  25.  Mullein
  26.  Least black arches
  27.  Silver Y
  28. Incurvaria mascuella
  29.  Brindled beauty
  30.  Nut tree tussock
  31.  Early Grey
  32.  Common pug
  33.  Red chestnut
  34.  Purple thorn
  35.  Pale prominent
  36.  Brimstone
  37.  Paraswammerdamia albicapitella
  38. Shuttle shaped dart
  39. Amblyptilia acanthadactyla.
  40. Lesser swallow prominent
  41. Parornix sp
  42.  Pale tussock
  43.  Rustic shoulder knot
  44.  Mompha epilobiella New for parish
  45. Esperia sulphurella (netted in garden 25th)
  46.  Pyrausta aurata (flying in garden 26th)
  47.  Adela reaumurella (day flying 28th)
  48.  Stigmella aurella (leaf mine on bramble 5th)
  49.  Pandemis cerasana (day flying in garden 7th)
  50.  Lime hawkmoth (7th May)
  51.  Cinnabar (8th May)
  52.  Pale oak beauty (8th May)
  53.  Green carpet (8th May)
  54.  Chocolate tip (8th May)
  55.  Treble lines (9th May)
  56.  Common swift (9th May)
  57.  Anania hortulata (9th May)
  58.  Glyphipterix simpliceciella (12th May)
  59.  Angle shades (12th May)
  60.  Monopsis weaverella (13th May)
  61.  Oxyptilus distans (14th May, new moth for parish)
  62.  Heart and dart (14th May)
  63.  Anthophila fabricana  (15th May)
  64. Flame shoulder (15th May)
  65.  White point (15th May)
  66.  White ermine (17th May)
  67.  Common carpet (17th May)
  68.  Lime speck pug (17th May)
  69.  Marbled minor (17th May)
  70.  Flame carpet (17th May)
  71.  Mottled pug (17th May)
  72.  Garden carpet (17th May)
  73.  Orange footman (17th May)
  74.  Shuttle shaped dart (17th)
  75.  Buff tip (18th)
  76.  Notocelia cynosbatella (18th)
  77.  Maiden's blush (18th)
  78.  Small waved umber (18th)
  79.  Celypha lacunana (18th)
  80.  Large nutmeg (18th)
  81.  Aphomia sociella (18th)
  82.  Cochylis atricapitana (18th)
  83.  Common wainscot (19th)
  84.  Burnished brass (19th)
  85.  Light emerald (19th)
  86.  Elachista argentella (19th)
  87.  Agapeta hamana (19th)
  88.  Spectacle (20th)
  89.  Buttoned snout (20th)
  90.  Buff ermine (20th)
  91.  Light brocade (20th)
  92.  Large yellow underwing (20th)
  93.  Poplar hawkmoth (20th)
  94.  Mottled rustic (20th)
  95. Middle barred minor (21st)
  96.  Clouded silver (21st)
  97.  Green pug (21st)
  98. Celypha striana (21st)
  99.  Setaceous Hebrew character (21st)
  100.  Wormwood pug (21st)
  101.  Brown rustic (21st)
  102.  Scorched wing (21st)
  103. Tawny marbled minor (21st)
  104.  Shuttle shaped dart (21st)
  105.  Willow beauty (21st)
  106.  Vine's rustic (21st)
  107.  Rhyacionia pinivorana (21st)
  108.  Ephestia unicolorella ssp woodiella (21st)
  109.  Smoky wainscot (22nd)
  110.  Notocelia trimaculana (22nd)
  111.  Spruce carpet (22nd)
  112.  Purple bar (22nd)
  113. Rufous marbled minor (22nd)
  114.  Silver ground carpet (22nd)
  115.  Crambus lathoniellus (22nd)
  116.  Coleophora amethystinella (24th) New record for Little Hadham
  117.  Grey birch (24th) New record for Little Hadham  
  118.  Yellow legged clearwing (25th)
  119.  Cydia pomonella (25th)
  120.  Shears (26th)
  121.  Flame (26th)
  122. Pine hawkmoth (26th)
  123.  Hedya pruniana (26th)
  124.  Endrosis sarcitrella (26th)  
  125.  Phtheochroa rugosana (27th)
  126.  Notocelia trimaculana (27th)
  127.  Scoparia ambigualis (27th) 
  128.  Currant clearwing (27th)
  129. Privet hawkmoth    (28th)
  130.  Clouded border (29th)
  131. Dagger sp (TBC, 29th)  
  132.  Ingrailed clay (30th)
  133.  Freyer's pug (30th)
  134.  Nephopterix angustella (30th)  
  135.  Hedya nubiferana (31st) 
  136.  Common marbled carpet (31st)
  137.  Least carpet (31st)
  138.  Udea olivalis (31st)
  139.  Shoulder striped wainscot (31st)  
  140.  Common wave (1st June)
  141.  Archips podana (1st)
  142. Chrysoteuchia culmella (1st)  
  143.  Eucosma obumbratana (2nd)
  144.  Blotched emerald (2nd)
  145.  Campion (2nd)  
  146.  Clay triple lines (2nd)  
  147. Hedya nubiferana (3rd) 
  148.  Uncertain (4th)
  149.  Straw dot (4th) 
  150.  Evergestis forficalis (7th) 
  151.  Barred straw (9th)
  152.  Barred yellow (9th)
  153. Eudonia lacustrata (9th)
  154.  Light arches (9th)
  155.  Oegoconia deauratella (9th)  
  156. Heart and club (10th)
  157. Argyresthia bonnetella (10th)  
  158.  Tortrix viridana (11th)
  159.  Turnip (11th)  
  160. Crambus perlella (12th)  
  161.  Hypsopygia costalis (12th)
  162. Riband wave (12th)
  163.  Dwarf cream wave (12th)
  164.  Rustic (13th)
  165.  Clay (13th) 
  166.  Dark arches (14th)
  167.  Treble brown spot (14th)  
  168. Red belted clearwing (15th)
  169. Small elephant hawkmoth (15th)
  170. Rhodophea formosa (15th)
  171.  Celypha rosaceana (15th)
  172.  Blackneck (15th)
  173.  Snout (15th)
  174. Foxglove pug (15th)
  175.  Waved umber (15th)
  176.  Blood vein (15th)
  177.  Short cloaked moth (15th)
  178.  Common footman (15th)  
  179.  Broad barred white (16th and a new record for the parish)
  180.  Acrobasis suavella (16th)
  181.  Pterophorous pentadactyla (16th)
  182.  Elephant hawkmoth (16th)
  183.  Cedestis gysseleniella  (17th) New for parish 
  184.  Beautiful hooktip (17th)
  185.  Square spot rustic (17th) 
  186. Hofmannophila pseudospretella (17th)
  187.  Fern (18th)
  188.  Yellowtail (18th)
  189.  Notocelia uddmanniana (18th)
  190.  Archips xylosteana (18th)   
  191.  Peppered moth (19th)
  192.  Small clouded brindle (19th) 
  193. Chinese character (20th)
  194.  Mottled beauty (20th)
  195. Euzophera pinguis (20th)
  196. Aleimma loefflingiana (20th)
  197. Ancylis achatana (20th)
  198. Cochlis hybridella (20th)  
  199. Swallowtail moth (21st)
  200.  Monochroa pallustrellus (21st)
  201.  Fan foot (21st)
  202. Tinia trinotella (22nd)
  203. Single dotted wave (22nd)
  204. Yponomeuta evonymella (23rd)
  205. Lozotaenoides formosana (23rd)
  206. Cydalima perspectalis (24th)
  207.  Hypsopygia glaucinalis (24th)
  208. Aglossa pinguinalis (24th)
  209.  Clepsis consimilana (24th)
  210.  Catoptria pinella (24th)
  211.  Phycitodes binaevella (24th)
  212.  Homoeosoma sinuella (24th)
  213.  White-spotted pug (24th)
  214.  Marsmarcha lunedactyla (24th)  
  215.  Plutella xylostella (25th)
  216.  Browntail (25th)
  217.  Clouded brindle (25th)
  218.  Batia lunaris (25th)
  219.  Argyresthia bockeela (25th)
  220.  Apotomis capreana (25th)
  221. Acrobasis suavella (26th)
  222. Kent black arches (26th)
  223. Eudonia mercurella (26th)
  224. Ostinia nubilalis (26th)  
  225. Agonopterix arenella (26th)
  226. Scoparia pyralella (26th)
  227. Bright line brown eye (27th)
  228. Dot moth (27th)
  229. Yponomeuta plumbella (27th)
  230. Early thorn (27th)   
  231. Anania perlucidalis (28th) new for parish
  232. Acleris kochiella (28th)
  233. Pale mottled willow (28th)
  234.  Pyrausta purpuralis (28th)
  235.  Haworth's pug (28th)  
  236.  Scalloped hazel (29th)
  237. Common rustic agg (29th)
  238. Swammerdamia sp (29th)
  239. Eucosma cana (29th)
  240. Small fan footed wave (29th)
  241. V pug (30th)
  242. Small blood vein (30th)
  243. Crambus pascuella (30th)
  244. Pine carpet (30th)
  245. Udea prunalis (30th)
  246. Pyrausta despicata(30th) New record for parish
  247. Galleria mellonella (30th)
  248. Cochylis dubitana (30th)
  249.  Epiblema foenella (30th)
  250. Acrobasis advenella (30th)   
  251. Crassa unitella (1st July)
  252. Acleris holmiana (1st)  
  253. Humming bird hawkmoth (2nd feeding on lavender, very briefly)
  254. Yellowshell (3rd)   
  255. Lesser yellow underwing (4th)
  256. Paraswammerdamia nebulella (4th)
  257. Drinker (5th)
  258. Latticed heath (5th)
  259. Small scallop (6th)
  260. Brown line bright eye (6th)   
  261. Double square spot (7th)
  262.  Chilo phragmitella (8th)
  263. Lesser common rustic (8th)
  264. Scarce footman (8th)
  265. Endotricha flammealis (8th)
  266. Acleris forsskaleana (8th)
  267.  Dusky sallow (8th)
  268.  Clouded brindle (8th) 
  269.  Anania coronata (8th) 
  270. Ypsolopha scabrella (9th)
  271. Pleuroptya ruralis (9th)
  272. Plutella porrectella (9th)
  273. Lunar spotted pinion (9th)
  274. Black arches (9th)  
  275. Common white wave (11th)
  276. Yponomeuta padella (12th)
  277. Agriphila tristella (12th)  
  278. Lesser broad bordered yellow underwing (14th)
  279. Acleris variegana (14th)
  280. Carcina quercana (14th) 
  281.  Dingy footman (14th)
  282. July highflier (15th)
  283. Tree lichen beauty (15th)
  284. Bryotropha terrella (15th) 
  285.  Dark umber (16th)
  286. Phyllocnistis xenia (16th)
  287. Small emerald (17th)  
  288. Poplar grey (19th)
  289. Helcystogramma rufescens (19th)
  290. Waved black (19th)
  291. Shaded broadbar (21st)
  292. Small dusty wave (21st)
  293. Agriphila straminella (21st)
  294. Flounced rustic (21st)
  295. Small rufous (21st)
  296. Cydia servillana (22nd)
  297.  Argyresthia albistria (22nd)
  298.  Phyllonorycter harrisella (22nd)
  299.  Blastobasis adustella (22nd)
  300. Coleophora trifolii (22nd)
  301. Moraphaga choragella (22nd)
  302.  Jersey tiger (22nd)
  303. Broad bordered yellow underwing (22nd) 
  304. Herald (23rd)
  305. Spilonota ocellana (23rd)
  306. Canary shouldered thorn (23rd)
  307. Dusky thorn (23rd)  
  308. Bucculatrix nigricomella (23rd New for parish)
  309. Acentria emphemerella (24th)
  310. Least yellow underwing (24th)
  311. Scoparia subfusca (24th)  
  312. Ear moth (26th) 
  313. Large ear (26th)   
  314. Pediasia contaminella (27th new for parish
  315. Pandemis corylana (27th) 
  316. Red twin spot carpet (27th)
  317. Lyonetia clerkella (30th)
  318. Yponomeuta malinellus (30th)
  319.  Yponomeuta cagnagella (30th)
  320. Recarvaria leucatella (30th)
  321.  Cloaked minor (30th)
  322. Vapourer (31st)
  323.  Caloptilia semifascia (31st)
  324. Agapeta zoegana (31st)
  325.  Rosy rustic (31st)
  326.  Straw underwing (1st August) 
  327.  Ditula angustiorana (1st)    
  328. Yposolopha parenthesella (2nd)
  329.  Brachmia blandella (3rd)
  330.  Ypsolopha dentella (4th)
  331.  Coronet (5th new for parish)
  332.  Cream bordered green pea (5th) 
  333.  Oak processionary (7th)
  334. Tawny speckled pug (7th)
  335. Bordered pug (7th)
  336. Mompha propinquella (7th)
  337. Coptotriche marginea (7th)
  338.  Eucosma hohenwartiana (7th)
  339.  Iron prominent (8th)
  340.  Webb's wainscot (8th)
  341. Gypsy moth (8th)
  342.  Oak hooktip (9th)
  343.  Orange swift (9th)
  344.  Cydia fagilandia (9th)
  345.  Parapoynx stratiotata (9th)
  346. Cochylis molliculana (9th)
  347. Argryresthia goedartella (9th)
  348. Acleris cristana (9th)
  349. Yellow barred brindle (10th)
  350. Mompha ochraceela (10th)  
  351.  Acrobasis consociella (10th)
  352.  Eudonia pallida (10th)
  353.  Currant pug (12th)
  354.  Treble bar (12th)
  355.  Cochylimorpha straminea (12th)
  356.  Beautiful Golden Y (13th)
  357.  Pyralis farinalis (13th)
  358.  Argyrotaenia ljungiana (13th)  new for parish
  359.  Agriphila geniculea (14th)
  360. Aethes smeathmannianna (15th) 
  361.  Frosted orange (18th)  
  362.  Udea ferrugalis (19th)
  363.  Pray fraxinella (20th)
  364.  Clifden Nonpariel (21st) 
  365.  Apotomis betuletana (25th) 
  366.  Centre barred sallow (26th)
  367.  Small square spot (27th)  
  368.  Acleris rhombana (28th)
  369.  Old lady (31st)  
  370.  Feathered gothic (4th September)  
  371.  Acleris sparsana (5th)
  372.  Deep brown dart (8th)
  373.  Lunar underwing (8th)   
  374.  Barred sallow (11th)
  375.  Black rustic (11th)  
  376.  Brown spot pinion (14th)
  377.  Brindled green (14th) 
  378.  Oak hooktip (15th)
  379.  Pyralis farinalis (15th)
  380.  Phyllonorycter leucographella (15th)
  381.  Eudonia angustea (16th)
  382.  Sallow (16th)
  383.  Cypress pug (16th)
  384.  Cnephasia sp (16th)
  385.  L-album wainscot (17th and a new moth for parish)  
  386.  Pink barred sallow (20th)  
  387.  Orange sallow (21st)  
  388.  Beaded chestnut (23rd)  
  389.  Large ranunculus (27th)
  390.  Acleris hasitana (28th)  
  391.  Dark chestnut (1st October)
  392.  Red line quaker (1st)   
  393.  Chestnut (2nd)
  394.  Vapourer (6th)
  395.  Grey pine carpet (5th)
  396.  Mallow (6th)
  397.  Vapourer (6th)  
  398.  Stigmella microtheriella (leaf mine on hazel 7th)
  399.  Large wainscot (7th)  
  400.  Merveille du Jour (8th)
  401.  Yellow line quaker (8th)
  402.  Caloptilia syringella (leaf mine 9th)
  403.  Green brindled crescent (10th)  
  404.  Pine carpet (13th)
  405.  Brick (16th)
  406.  Feathered thorn (16th)
  407.  Satellite (16th) 
  408.  Blair's shoulder knot (17th) 
  409.  Red green carpet (19th)
  410.  November moth (19th)   
  411.  Paronix devoniella (21st, leaf mine on hazel)
  412.  Stigmella aceris (21st leaf mine on Field maple)
  413.  Dotted chestnut (22nd) 5th record for parish, first for garden  
  414.  Sprawler (26th) 
  415.  December moth (29th)  
  416.  Winter moth (30th) 
  417.  Mottled umber (7th November)  
  418.  Agonopterix alstromeriana (8th November)
  419.  Spring usher (28th Jan)
  420.  Pale brindled beauty (28th Jan New for parish)
  421.  Small brindled beauty (8th March)
  422. Small brindled beauty

    Calybites phasianipennella (new parish record)

    Mottled umber

  423. Bucculatrix nigricomella
    Plutella xylostella

    Mottled umber

    Winter moth

    December moth


    Dotted chestnut

    Stigemlla aceris leaf mine

    November moth or Pale November moth

    Red green carpet

    Blair's shoulder knot

    Spruce carpet


    Feathered thorn


    Green brindled crescent

    Yellow line quaker

    Merveille du Jour

    Large wainscot

    Leaf mine of the micro moth Lyonetia clerkella on an apple leaf



    Red line quaker

    Dark chestnut

    Large ranunculus

    Large yellow underwing

    Orange sallow

    Pink Barred sallow

    L album wainscot

    Oak hooktip

    Phyllonorycter leucographella

    Brown-spot pinion

    Barred sallow

    Black rustic

    Lunar underwing

    Deep brown dart

    Feathered gothic

    Old lady

    Rosy rustic

    Pandemis corylana

    Centre barred sallow

    Apotomis betuletana

    Clifden Nonpariel, real rarity, 9th record for Herts

    Frosted orange

    Aethes smeathmannianna

    Beautiful Golden Y

    Cochylimorpha straminea

    Treble bar

    Argyresthia goedartella

    Parapoynx stratiotata

    Orange swift

    Cochylis molliculana

  425. Iron prominent
  426. Webb's wainscot

    Gypsy moth
    Monopsis weaverella

    Coronet, a new moth for the parish
    Cream bordered green pea

    Caloptilia semifascia

    Lime specked pug

  427. Pediasia contaminella

    Pandemis corylana

    Ear moth species (TBC)


    Argyresthia albistria
    Coleophora trifolii

    Moraphaga choragella

    Broad bordered yellow underwing

    Poplar grey


    Waved black

    Small emerald

    Yponomeuta malinellus

    Tree lichen beauty

    Paraswammerdamia abicapitella

    Carcina quercana

    Clouded border

    Acrobasis suavella

    Ruby tiger

    Ypsolopha scabrella

    Pleuroptya ruralis
    Lunar spotted pinion

    Acleris forsskaleana

    Anania coronata

    Chilo phragmitella

    Clouded brindle

    Endotricha flammealis

    Small clouded brindle

    Scarce footman

    Scarce footman


    Double square spot


    Latticed heath

    Brown line Bright eye

    Small scallop


    Catoptria pinella

    Burnished brass

    Crassa unitella

    Pyrausta despicata
    Clouded silver

    Epiblema foenella

    Cochylis dubitana

    Crambus pascuella

    Pine carpet

    V pug

    Acleris kochiella
    Anania perlucidalis

    Haworth's pug

    Pale mottled willow

    Pyrausta purpuralis

    Bright line brown eye

    Dot moth

    Early thorn


    Kent black arches

    Yponomeuta evonymella

    Acrobasis suavella

    Batia lunaris

    Celypha lacunana

    Celypha striana

    Homoeosoma sinuella

    Cydalima perspectalis, the destructive Box-tree moth, an invasive species

    Marasmarcha lunedactyla, the Crescent Plume. Wing tip with crescent shown here.

    Swallowtail moth


    Chinese character

    Euzophera pinguis

    Ancylis achatana
    Jersey tiger

    Scoparia pyralella

    Scoparia subfusca
    Bucculatrix nigricomella

  428. Peppered moth

    Small clouded brindle

    Celypha lacunana


    Notocelia uddmanniana


    Beautiful hooktip

    Cedestis gysseleniella, a new parish record

    Broad barred white

    Elephant hawkmoth

    Foxglove pug

    Hypsopygia costalis

    Pterophorous pentadacyla

    Small elephant hawkmoth

    Barred straw

    Rhodophea formosa

    Small elephant hawkmoth


    Buttoned snout

    Celypha rosaceana

    Red belted clearwing

    Dark arches

    Burnished brass

    Tortrix viridana
  429. Argyresthia bonnetella

    Heart and club
    Ingrailed clay
    Light arches
    Udea olivalis


    Straw dot

    Common marbled carpet

    Blotched emerald

    Eucosma obumbratana

    Least carpet

    Clouded border

    Chrysoteuchia culmella

    Archips podana

    Common marbled carpet

    Hedya nubiferana

    Shoulder striped wainscot

    Currant clearwing

    Ingrailed clay

    Dagger species tbc.

    Privet hawkmoth
    Scoparia ambigualis

    Notocelia trimaculana

    Phtheochroa rugosana

    Yellow legged clearwing

    Cydia pomonella

    Flame carpet


    Hedya pruniana


    Pine hawkmoth

    Coleophora amethystinella
    Ephestia woodiella
    Rhyacionia pinivorana

    Willow beauty

    Scorched wing

    Setaceous Hebrew character

    Vine's rustic

    Middle barred minor

    Celypha striana
Light brocade

Light emerald

Pale prominent

Poplar hawkmoth


The reason this moth is called Spectacle

Agapeta hamana

Common wainscot

Buff tip

Marbled minor

Common carpet

Garden carpet

White ermine

Orange footman

White point

Flame shoulder

Rustic shoulder knot

Anthophila fabricana

Oxptilus distans (a new moth for Hertfordshire)

Angle shades

Glyphipterix simpliciella

Anania hortulata

Common pug

Common swift

Treble lines

Pale oak beauty

Chocolate tip

Lime hawkmoth

Adela reaumurella, female

Adela reaumurella  male (a particularly well marked specimen)

Emperor moth
Pale tussock

Ypsolopha mucronella
Silver Y
Red chestnut: only my 3rd record of this species in 10 years.

  1. 7 spot ladybird
  2.  Pine ladybird
  3.  Sitonia lineatus (Pea weevil)
  4.  Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Vine weevil)
  5.  Badister bullatus
  6.  Cryptocephaus aureolus
  7.  Oulema melanopus (Cereal leaf beetle)
  8.  Demetrias atricapillus
  9.  14 spot ladybird
  10.  Chrysolina oricalcia
  11.  Anthocomus fasciatus
  12.  Phyllobius pomaceus (Green nettle weevil)
  13.  Otiorhynchus singularis (Clay coloured weevil)
  14.  24 spot ladybird (Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata)
  15.  Chrysolina hypericin
  16.  Agriotes sputator (Click beetle sp)
  17.  Tachyporus obtusus (a rove beetle sp)
  18.  Tatianerhynchites aequatus (apple leaf weevil)
  19.  rove beetle sp (all black tbc)
  20.  rove beetle sp (black with red band tbc)
  21.  16 spot ladybird (Tytthaspis sedecimpunctata)
  22.  Cockchafer or May bug (Melolontha melolontha)
  23.  Cantharsis decipiens
  24.  Oederma lurida
  25. Rhyzobius litura
  26.  Stomis pumicatus
  27.  Cantharis rustica
  28.  Cantharis nigra
  29.  Apionidea species of weevil
  30. Malachius bipustalatus (Common malachite beetle)
  31.  Dalopuis marginatus (click beetle sp)
  32.  Harmonia axyridis (Harlequin ladybird) 
  33.  Clytus arietis (Wasp beetle)  
  34.  Oedemera nobilis (Thick thighed beetle) 
  35.  Melanotus villosus (Click beetle sp) 
  36.  Cordylepherus viridis (Soft winged flower beetle sp)
  37.  Harpalas rufipes (Strawberry seed beetle)
  38.  Rutpela maculata (Black and yellow longhorn beetle)  
  39.  Leiopus nebulosus (Black clouded longhorn beetle)  
  40.  Meligethes aeneus (Common pollen beetle)  
  41.  Chrysolina americana (Rosemary beetle) 
  42. Nicrophorous humator (Black sexton beetle) 
  43. Bitoma crenata (Cylindrical bark beetle)  
  44. Harpalus rufipes (Strawberry seed beetle) 
  45. Lagria hirta (Darkling beetle sp) 
  46. Aphodius haemorrhoidalis (Scarab beetle sp) 
  47. Necrodes littoralis (Shore sexton beetle) 
  48. Colymbetes fuscus (diving beetle sp)
  49. Pterostichus madidus (ground beetle)
  50. Halyzia sedecimguttata (Orange ladybird)  
  51. Hemicrepidus hirtus (click beetle sp)
  52.  Nicrophorous investigator (sexton beetle)
  53.  Ocypus fuscatus (rove beetle sp)   
  54.  Nebria sp possibly brevicollis (ground beetle sp)
  55.  Aphodius rufipes (scarab beetle sp) 
  56.  Pseudo Ophonus sp
  57.  Prionychus ater (Darkling beetle sp) 
  58.  Anchomenus dorsalis  
  59.  Oulema rufocyanea (Leaf beetle sp) 
  60. Adalia bipunctata (2 Spot ladybird)
  61. Rhyzobius sp (possibly litura, a ladybird sp)
  62.  Adalia decumpunctata (10 spot ladybird)
  63.  Longitarsus dorsalis
  64.  Psyilliodes chrysocephala (Cabbage stem flea beetle) 
  65.  Phaedon tumidulus (Celery leaf beetle)
  66.  Centorhynchus species of weevil (possibly C. pallidactylus)
  67.  Demetrias atricapillus (a Carabus species) 
    Ceutorhynchus species of weevil (probably!)

    Phaedon tumidulus

    Pysilliodes chrysocephala

    Longitarsus dorsalis

    Adalia decumpunctata, 10 spot ladybird

    7 spot ladybird emerging from hibernation March 11th 2021

    Rhyzobius species

  68. Oulema rufocyanea

    Anchomenus dorsalis

    7 spot ladybird looking to hibernate 23.xii.20

  69. Prionychus ater

    Aphodius rufipes

    Nebria brevicollis

  70. Ocypus fuscatus

    Nichophorous investigator

    Halyzia sedecimguttata

    Necrodes littoralis

    Aphodius haemorrhoidalis

    Lagria hirta

    Harpalus rufipes

    Bitoma crenata

    Nicrophorous humator

    Chrysoline americana

    Meligethes aeneus

    Harlequin ladybird nymph
    Leiopus nebuosus

    Rutpela maculata

    Colymbetes fuscus

    Ophonus sp perhaps
  71. Melanotus villosus

    Oedemera nobilis

    Wasp beetle

    Malchius bipustalatus

Harlequin ladybird

Dalopuis marginatus

Apionidea species of weevil

Cantharis nigra

Cantharis rustica

Nebria sp, possibly brevicollis

Chrysolina oricalcia

Oederma lurida

Cantharsis decipiens

16 spot ladybird

rove beetle sp

rove beetle sp

rove beetle sp

Tachyporus obtusus, a rove beetle

Chrysolina hyperici

24 spot ladybird

Otiorhynchus singularis (Clay coloured weevil)

14 spot ladybird

Cryptocephalus aureolus

Oulema sp possibly melanopus, Cereal leaf beetle

Pine ladybird

Sitonia sp possibly lineatus (Pea weevil)

Bees, sawflies, ants and wasps:
  1. Andrena bicolor (Gwynne's Mining bee)
  2.  Bombus terrestris (Buff tailed bumble bee)
  3.  Vespula vulgaris (Common wasp)
  4.  Vespula germanica (German wasp)
  5.  Andrena haemorrhoa (Orange tailed mining bee)
  6.  Bombus lapidarius (Red tailed bumble bee)
  7.  Mason bee sp (TBC)
  8.  Apis mellifera (Western honeybee)
  9.  Andrena scotica (Chocolate mining bee)
  10.  Cleonymus sp (Chalcid wasp)
  11.  Ophion variegatus ( Ichneumon wasp in moth trap)
  12.  Bombus lucorum (White tailed bumble bee)
  13.  Chrysis angustula or ignita (seen in garden 26th, a first ever sighting for me)
  14.  Lasius niger (Black Garden ant)
  15.  Myrmica rubra (Red ant)
  16.  Ichneumon sarcitorious
  17.  Osmia bicornis (Red mason bee)
  18.  Ophion obscuratus (Ichneumon wasp)
  19.  Nematus ribesii (Gooseberry sawfly)
  20.  Andrena helvola (Coppice mining bee)
  21.  Ophion luteus (Ichneumon wasp sp)
  22.  Bombus pratorum (Early bumble bee)
  23.  Anthophorpa plumipes (Hairy-footed flower bee)
  24.  Ichneumon wasp sp Pimpla
  25.  Andrena nitada (Grey patched mining bee)
  26.  Sawfly sp (tbc)
  27.  Vespa crabro (European hornet, found dead in the shed)
  28.  Bombus ruderatus (Large garden bumblebee)
  29. Vespula vulgaris (Common wasp)
  30.  Diphyus quadripunctorius  (Ichneumon wasp sp )  
  31. Lasioglossum calceatum (Common (Base-banded) furrow bee) 
  32. Bombus hortorum (Garden bumblebee) 
  33.  Aphid sp on clematis 
  34.  Dolichovespula media (Median wasp)
  35. Ancistrocerus gazella (a Social, potter and mason wasp) 
  36.  Colletes hederae (Ivy Mining Bee) 
  37.  Cynipidae wasp species (Gall wasp)
  38.  Myrmica scabrinodis (ant species)
    Lasius niger

    Myrmica scabrinodis

    Gall wasp sp

    Common wasp (Vespula vulgaris) enjoying a windfall pear.

    Dolichovespula media

    Black ants farming aphids for their honeydew.
    Bombus hortorum

    Lasioglossum calceatum

    Diphyus quadripunctorius

    Head of Vespula vulgaris. Probably prey to a hornet.
Dead Vespa crabro (maybe lack of rain causing dehydration)

Ichneumon sp

Andrena nitada, Grey patched mining bee

Ichneumon wasp species, Pimpla

Anthophora plumipes, Hairy-footed flower bee

Bombus pratorum, the Early bumblebee, this one is a worker.

Ophion luteus

Amdrena helvola, the Coppice mining bee

Andrena helvola

Nematus ribesii, Gooseberry sawfly)

Ophion obscuratus agg, one of 2,300 of the Ichneumon wasp species, parasitic wasp, mainly on moth caterpillars

Osmia bicornis (Red mason bee)
Andrena haemorrhoa, Orange tailed mining bee

Chrysis species of wasp.

Ichneumon wasp, Ophion variegatus

Bombus lucorum (white tailed bumble bee)

Bombus lapidaruis, Red tailed bumble bee

Bombus terrestris
Vespula germanica
Andrena haemorrhoa
  1.  Ephemera danica (Green drake mayfly)
Ephemera danica (Green drake mayfly)

  1.  Bombylius major Dark edged bee fly
  2.  Calliphora vomitoria Bluebottle species
  3.  Fannia canicularis Lesser house fly
  4. Eristalis pertinax (hoverfly)
  5.  Eristalis tenax (hoverfly)
  6.  Epistrophe eligans (hoverfly)
  7.  Meliscaeva auricollis (hoverfly)
  8.  Anthoymiid fly, Delia sp (Root maggot fly or similar)
  9.  Rhagio scolopaceus (Downlooker snipefly)
  10.  Musca domestica (House fly)
  11.  Tephritis neesi
  12.  Sarcophaga carnaria (Flesh fly)
  13.  Bibio marci (St Mark's fly)
  14.  Tipula lunata (cranefly species)
  15.  Nephorotoma appendiculata (Spotted cranefly)
  16.  Tephrochlamys rufiventris 
  17.  Platycheirus sp (hoverfly)
  18.  Helophilus pendulus (hoverfly sp)
  19.  Platycheirus albimanus (hoverfly sp)
  20.  Eupeodes luniger (hoverfly sp)
  21.  Empis tesselata (a dance fly sp)
  22.  Chlorops pumlionis  
  23.  Episyrphus balteatus (hoverfly sp aka The Marmalade Fly) 
  24.  Neria ephippum  
  25.  Clytiomya continua (Tachinid fly and extremely rare. Less than 10 records and again 24th July
  26.  Syrphus torvus (hoverfly sp)
  27.  Eupeodes corollae (hoverfly sp)
  28.  Syritta pipiens (hoverfly sp)    
  29.  Nephrotoma flavipalpis (cranefly sp)
  30.  Volucella pelluscens (Great pied hoverfly)  
  31.  Evorista lavarum (a parasitic fly)  
  32.  Pericoma sp (Moth fly)
  33. Phytomyza clematadi (leaf mine on clematis)
  34. Chlorops scalaris (a grass fly)  
  35.  Chrysopilus asiliformis (Little snipefly)
  36.  Sphaerophoria scripta (hoverfly)
  37.  Eristalis horticola (hoverfly)  
  38.  Phryxe vulgaris (Tachinid fly)  
  39.  Volucella zonaria (hoverfly sp)
  40. Eriothrix rufomaculata (tachnid fly sp)
  41.  Graphomya maculata (housefly sp) 
  42.  Drosphila sp (fruit fly sp)   
  43.  Calliphora vicina (Bluebottle species)
  44.  Palloptera muliebris (picture winged fly)  
  45. Calliopum species
  46.  Phaonia tuguriorum  
  47.  Phaonia sp
  48.  Tipula paludosa (cranefly sp)
  49.  Phytomyza ilicis (leaf mine on holly) 
  50.  Polietes lardarius (flesh fly sp) 
  51.  Anthomyiid fly sp.
  52.  Tipula pagana (cranefly sp)  
  53.  Pollenia sp (Cluster fly)
  54.  Muscidae fly species  
  55.  Limoniidae sp (Short palped cranefly sp) 
  56.  Heteromyza sp (possibly commixta)  
  57.  Lauxaniidae sp
  58.  Ephyridae sp
  59.  Eliozeta pelluscens  
  60.  Eristalis memorum (hoverfly sp)  
  61.  Limonia nubeculosa (cranefly sp) 
  62.  Chromatomyia primulae (leaf mine evidence on primula )
  63.  Trichocera annulata (cranefly sp) 
  64.  Sylvicola sp, probably punctatus  (Winter gnat sp)
  65.  Tephritis formosa 
  66.  Chironomid fly sp 
  67. Sciarid fly (fungus gnat sp) 
  68.  Trichocera sp (not annulata) 
  69.  Trichocera hiemalis (short palped cranefly sp) 
  70.  Muscina (probably levida)  
  71.  Culiseta annulata (mosquito sp)
  72.  Sciarid fly sp (fungus gnat or midge. Different sp from number 67)
  73.  Elachiptera sp (Chloropidea genus)
  74.  Chironomid sp
  75.  Calliphora sp, a much darker one with orange face
  76.  Phaonia subventa.
  77.  Sylvicola cinctus/fenestralis
  78.  Heleomyzidae sp (Spine winged flies)
  79.  Helina evecta
  80.  Sciarid fly sp with yellow abdomen (fungus gnat sp)
  81. Sciarid fly sp with a mite species

    Helina evecta

    Heleomyzidae species, possibly Scoliocentra villosa?

    Sylvicola cinctus or fenestralis

    Phaonia subventa

    Calliphora sp

    Chironomid metriocnemus sp

    Elachiptera sp. Note anntenae help with id.

    Sciarid fly species. Note shorter wings than in previous species.This 4x magnification under microscope.

    Culiseta annulata

    Muscina species, possibly levida

    Trichocera hiemalis

    Trichocera species (cranefly)

    Sciarid fly sp

    Chironomid fly sp

    Tephritis formosa
    Sylvicola puncatatus, possibly

    Trichocera annulata

    Chromatomyia primulae leaf mine on primula. 

    Limonoa nubeculosa

    Eristalis nemorum

    Eliozeta pelluscens

    Ephyridae sp

    Lauxaniidae sp

    Heteromyza sp

    A limoniidae species of Short palped cranefly.

    Muscidae fly species

    Pollenia sp, Cluster Fly

    Tipula pagana

    Anthomyiid species

    Polietes lardarius

    Calliphora vicina

    Phytomyza ilicis leaf mine on holly

    Tipula paludosa

    Phaonia species

    Calliopum species
    Phaonia tuguriorum

    Palloptera muliebris on lounge ceiling.

    Drosphila sp, a fruit fly.

    Graphomya maculata

    Eriothriz rufomaculata

    Volucella zonaria

    Phryxe vulgaris

    Eristalis horticola

  82. Sphaerophoria scripta
    Lucilia sericata
    Syritta pipiens

    Chrysopilus asiliformis

    Chlorops scalaris

    Evorista lavarum

    Episyrphus balteatus
    Volucella pelluscens

    Volucella pelluscens

    Eupeodes corollae

    Syritta pipiens

    Clytioma continua, very rare species!
  83. Neria ephippum (Stilt legged fly species)

    Episyrphus balteatus

    Chlorops pumilionis

  84. Empis tesselata

    Empis tesselata

Eupeodes luniger.

Platycheirus albimanus

Helophilus pendulus on hawthorn blossom

Tephrochlamys rufiventris fly

Bibio marci (St Mark's fly aka by fly fishermen: Hawthorn fly)

  1. Sarcophaga carnaria, Flesh fly.
Anthoymiid  fly sp, possibly Root maggot fly

Eristalis tenax (a hoverfly sp)
Epistrophe eligans (a hoverfly sp)
Meliscaeva auricollis (a hoverfly sp)

Spiders and other arachnids
  1.  Pardosa sp
  2. Salticus scenicus (Common zebra spider)
  3. Pisuara miribalis
  4.  Araneus diadematus (orb web spider)
  5.  Tegenaria domestica (Common house spider)
  6.  Clubonia sp, possibly C. lutescens
  7.  Alopecosa pulverulenta
  8.  Nuctenea umbratica (Walnut Orbweb spider)
  9.  Xysticus ulmi
  10.  Pachygnatha degeeri
  11.  Xysticus kochi
  12.  Neriene montana
  13.  Zilla diodia
  14. Metellina mengei
  15. Araniella opistographa (a Cucumber spider)
  16.  Tetragnatha montana
  17.  Philodromus albidus
  18.  Araniella cucurbitina (a Cucumber spider)
  19.  Tibellus sp, probably Tibellus oblongus
  20.  Linyphia hortensis. 
  21.  Xysticus cristatus 
  22.  Anyphaena accentuata 
  23.  Cheiracanthium erraticum
  24.  Larinoides cornutus    
  25.  Tegenaria gigantea 
  26.  Anystis sp (Red spider mite)
  27.  Opilio parietinus (Opilione sp)
  28.  Misumena vatia
  29. Red spider mite sp
  30. Enoplognatha ovata 
  31. Pholcus phalangioides  
  32. Trochosa sp   probably T. terricola
  33. Zygiella sp, probably Z. x-notata see photo with moth prey
  34.  Ero sp, possibly cambridgei (pirate spider) 
  35.  Green spider mite (on apple leaf)   
  36.  Odiellus spinosus (Opilione sp) 
  37.  Amaurobius similis 
  38.  Megalpthyphantes sp  
  39. Philodromus sp
  40.  Neriene clatharta
  41.  Nigma walknaeri 
  42.  Araneus triguttatus or sturmi 
  43.  Opilio canestrini (Opilione sp) 
  44.  Linyphiidae sp  
  45. Tenuiphantes tenuis (Money spider sp) 
  46. Lepthyphantes minutus 
  47.  Paroligolophus agrestis (opilione sp)
  48.  Tenuiphantes sp 
  49.  Clubiona comta
  50.  Agroeca sp, probably Agroeca brunnae going on size alone.
  51.  Steatoda bipunctata
  52.  Mangora acalypha 
  53.  Drassodes cupreus or lapidosus
  54.  Phylloneta sp (either P. sisyphia or P. impressa)
  55.  Ero sp, either tuberculata or aphana, probably latter
    Ero sp, probably Ero aphana

    Phylloneta sp.

    Drassodes sp, either cupreus or lapidosus

  56. Clubonia comta

    Mangora acalypha

    Xysticus sp, possibly X. cristatus

    Steatoda bipunctata

    Agroeca sp, probably Agroeca brunnae


    Tenuiphantes species.

    Zilla diodia

    Paroligolophus agrestis (opilione sp)

    Lepthyphantes minutus

    Tenuiphantes tenuis

    Linyphiidae sp

    Opilio canestrini

    Araneus triguttatus/sturmi

    Nigma walknaeri

    Neriene clatharta?

    Xysticus sp

    Megalpthyphantes sp from the moth trap

    Amaurobius similis

    Odiellus spinosus, an opilione

    Zygiella (x-notata perhaps as found indoors)

    Pholcus phalangioides (Daddy longlegs spider)

    Trochosa sp with spiderlings.

    Opilio parietinus

    Pholcus phalangiodes, carrying her egg sac

    Enoplognatha sp possibly ovata

    Salticus sp possibly scenicus

    Anystis sp

    Eratigena sp

    Cheiracanthium erraticum

    Larinoides cornutus

  57. Anyphaena accentuata
  58. Xysticus cristatus
  59. Linyphia hortensis

    Tibellus oblongus, a Grass spider

Philodromus albidus

Tetragnatha montana

Araniella sp possibly opistographa, Cucumber spider.

Metellina mengei or segmentata

Neriene montana. Note it has just moulted, the discarded exuvia in the background.

Xysticus ulmi

Pachygnatha degeeri

Xysticus sp, possibly kochi

Alopecosa pulverulenta

Clubiona species, possibly C. neglecta?

Nuctenea umbratica

Pisaura mirabilis
Tengenaria silvestris 

  1.  Rabbit
  2. Muntjac
  3.  Grey squirrel
  4.  Common shrew
  5.  Hedgehog
  6.  Wood/Field mouse.
  7.  Field vole
  8.  Pipistrella bat
  9. Brown rat  
  10.  Fox  
    Rabbit, far side of Ash Valley from garden


    Wood mouse aka Field mouse

hedgehog rooting around in the hedge. 

  1. Corixa species (water boatman, probably Lesser water boatman)
  2.  Issus coleoptratus (Planthopper sp)
  3. Cicadella viridis (Leafhopper sp)
  4.  Liocoris tripuslatus
  5.  Notostira elongate
  6.  Rhopalus subrufus
  7.  Macrosiphum rosae (Rose aphid)
  8.  Stictopteurus punctatonervosus
  9.  Nabis rugosus Common damselbug
  10.  Coriomeris denticulatus (Denticulate leatherbug)
  11.  Aleroydes proletella (Cabbage whitefly)
  12. Asiraca clavicornis (planthopper sp)
  13.  Podops inuncta (Turtle shieldbug)
  14.  Harpocera thoracica (a Capsid bug)
  15.  Dolycoris baccarum (Hairy shieldbug)
  16.  Eurygaster testudinaria (Tortoise shieldbug)
  17.  Coreus marginatus (Dock bug)
  18.  Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus
  19.  Stictopleurus abutilon
  20.  Eupteryx aurata (Potato hopper) 
  21.  Heterogaster urticae (Nettle Groundbug)
  22.  Aelia acuminata (Bishop's mitre shieldbug)
  23.  Tritomegas bicolor (Pied shield bug) 
  24.  Leptopterna dolabrata (Meadow plant bug) 
  25.  Miris striatus (Capsid bug) 
  26.  Grypocoris stysi (Capsid bug) 
  27. Capus ater  
  28.  Philaneus spumaris (Common froghopper)  
  29.  Deraeocoris flavlinea (Capsid bug)
  30.  Polymerus nigrita (Capsid bug)  
  31.  Palomena prasina (Green shieldbug)  
  32. Deraeocorus ruber (Capsid bug)  
  33. Heterotoma planicornis (capsid bug)
  34.  Pentatoma rufipes (Red legged shieldbug)
  35. Himacerus mirmicoides (Damsel bug sp) 
  36. Ledra aurita (earred leafhopper)  
  37.  Pantilius tunicatus (Capsid bug)   
  38.  Calocoris roseomaculatus (Capsid bug) 
  39. Idiocerus vittifrons (leafhopper sp) 
  40.  Aphanus rolandri  
  41. Plagiognathus arbustorum  
  42. Scolopostethus thomsoni  
  43.  Oncopsis flavicollis (leafhopper sp)
  44.  Nabis ferus (Field damselbug)
  45.  Empoasca vitis (leafhopper sp)
  46.  Aphis epilobii (aphid sp) 
  47.  Kyboasca bipunctata (Leafhopper sp)
    Kyboasca bipunctata

    Aphis epilobii

    Cicadella sp, possibly Epoasca vitis

    Nabis ferus (Field damselbug)

  48. Oncopsis flavicollis

    Scolopostethus thomsoni

    Plagiognathus arbustorum

    Idiocerus vittifrons

    Calocoris roseomaculatus

    Pantilius tunicatus

    Ledra aurita

    Himacerus mirmicoides, nymph form

    Mating pair of Palomena prasina on buddleia

    Pentatoma rufipes

    Deraeocoris ruber

    Palomena prasina

    Polymerus nigrita

    Philaneus spumaris

    Capus ater

    Grypocoris stysi

    Miris striatus

    Leptopterna dolabrata, the Meadow plant bug

    Aelia acuminata

    Tritomegas bicolor (Pied shieldbug)
Eupteryx aurata

Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus

Stictopleurus abutilon

Dock bug (Coreus marginatus)

Eurygaster testudinaria (Tortoise shieldbug)

Dolycoris baccarum, Hairy shieldbug

Harpocera thoracica, one of the Capsid bugs

Podops inuncta, Turtle shieldbug

Asiraca clavicornis, a planthopper with amazing front set of legs.

Liocoris tripululatus
Common damselbug Nabis rugosus

Rhopalus subrufus

Cicadella viridis (leafhopper species)

  1.  Smooth newt.
  2.  Common toad
Common toad
1. Ectopsocus briggsi agg
2. Cacopsylla sp
3.  Psocoptera sp
Cacopsylla sp

Ectopsocus briggsi agg

  1.  Oniscus asellus (Common Wood louse.)
  2. Armadillidium vulgare (Common pill woodlouse)
  3.  Philoscia muscorum 
  4.  Porcellio scaber
  5.  Androniscus dentiger (Rosy woodlouse)
    Androniscus dentiger

    Porcellio scaber

    Philoscia muscorum

    Armadillidium vulgare

    Oniscus asellus

Grasshoppers and crickets
  1.  Dark bush cricket
  2.  Speckled bush cricket (nymph and adult) 
  3.  Roesels bush cricket.
  4.  Southern oak bush cricket
    Southern oak bush cricket
    Roesel's bush cricket
  5. Speckled bush cricket
Dark bush cricket

  1. Chrysoperla carena 
    Chrysoperla carnea
  1.  Common earwig 
    Common earwig, female

  1.  Orchesella cincta
  2. Tomocerus sp
  3.  Orchesella villosa 
  4.  Dicyrtomina saundersi (Globular springtail)
    Dicyrtomina saudersi, Globular springtail

    Probably Orchesella villosa

    Tomocerus sp

  1.  Tachypodoiulus niger  (White legged snake Millipede)
  2.  Limacus maculatus  slug sp)
  3.   Helix aspersa (snail sp)
  4.  Centipede sp  
  5.  White lipped snail  
  6.  Deroceras invadens (slug sp)
  7.  Stigmatogaster subterranea (centipede species)
    Stigmatogaster subterranea, I think.

  8. Tachypodoiulus niger

    White lipped snail

    Helix aspersa.

Centipede sp

Caddis flies.
  1.  Limnephilius sparsas
  2.  Mystacides longicornis
  3.  Limnephilius lunatus 
  4.  Halesus radiatus 
  5.  Limnephilus vittatus  
  6.  Halesus digitatus
    Halesus digitatus

    Limnephilus lunatus again, several in the moth trap most nights

    Limnephilus vittatus

  7. Halesus radiatus

    Limnephilius lunatus

Scorpion flies:
  1.  Panorpa germanica (female, so suspected) Scorpion Fly
Odonata (Dragonflies and damselflies)
  1.  Common blue damselfly
  2.  Large red damselfly  
  3. Common darter
  4.  Azure damselfly  
  5.  Migrant hawker  
    Common darter

    Azure damselfly
Common blue damselfly

Large red damselfly

Limnephilius sparsas, a Caddisfly

Orchesella cincta, one of the springtails

    Dark bush cricket
Wild Flowers;
  1.  Primula (Primula vulgaris)
  2.  Green alkanet (Pentaglossis sempervirens)
  3.  Lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria)
  4.  Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta)
  5.  Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)
  6.  White dead nettle (Lamium alba)
  7.  Germander speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys)
  8.  Common nettle (Urtica dioica)
  9.  Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
  10.  Daisy (Bellis perennsis)
  11.  Lords and Ladies (Arum maculatum)
  12.  Herb-Robert (Geranium robertianum)
  13.  Cuckooflower (Cardamine pratensis)
  14.  Garlic mustard/Jack in the hedge (Allaria pettiolata)
  15.  Cowslip (Primula veris)
  16.  Field Forget-me-not (Myosotis arvensis)
  17.  Meadow buttercup (Ranunculus acris)
  18.  Wood Avens (Geum urbanum)
  19.  Common poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
  20.  Short fruited willowherb (Epilobium obscurum)  
  21.  Hedge bindweed (Calystegia sepium 700th record) 
  22.  Ivy (Hedera helix)
  23.  Foxglove. (Digitalis purpurea)
  24.  Bramble (Rubus fruticosus)
  25.  Winter Aconite (Eranthis cilicica)
  26.  Heather (Calluna vulgaris) 

  27. Common heather

    Hedge bindweed

    Short fruited willowherb
Common poppy

Wood Avens


Green alkanett
Germander speedwell


Native trees visible from the garden:
  1. Common Holly (Ilex aquifolium)
  2.  Orchard apple (Malus domestica)
  3.  Common Hazel (Crylus avellana)
  4.  Field maple (Acer campestre)
  5.  Silver birch (Betula pendula)
  6.  Copper beech (Fagus sylvatica)
  7.  English oak (Quercus ribur)
  8.  Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus)
  9.  Bird cherry (Prunus padus)
  10.  Common yew (Taxus baccata)
  11.  Common pear (Pyrus communis)

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