
Friday 27 March 2020

Thursday's results

Good morning,
Thanks to all those who recorded birds in their garden yesterday. A glorious day and I spent much time checking my small garden and came across plenty to observe and some to photograph. The birds I saw were:
blue tit, great tit, robin, dunnock, blackbird, rook, jackdaw, carrion crow, red kite, goldfinch, chaffinch, black headed gull and pied wagtail. I got reports of house sparrows and an as yet unidentified bird coming to a feeder in Bishop's Stortford. I await a description but sounds interesting.
rook fly by, note the silver/grey beak

Our resident riobin
I also kept an eye out for insects which were enjoying yet another gloriously sunny day. In particular a comma butterfly, hoverfly species, Eristalis pertinax, 7 spot ladybird and a selection of insects. Renee in Stortford reported a tree bumble bee whilst Christine found another tree bumble bee and a hoverfly species feeding on flowering currant in her garden.

Hoverfly Eristalis pertinax, mostly black with orange/yellow in the middle

7 spot ladybird on green alkanet flowers

Another Eristalis pertinax hoverfly

Comma butterfly

Note the white "comma" on underwing giving this butterfly its name

Finally, I had a rummage around for spiders. Just one in particular, this jumping spider, the Common zebra spider or Salticus scenicis
Common zebra spider
Do have a go at today's activities, a few short ones in my next post. Good luck and keep safe.

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