
Sunday 27 January 2019

2019 Bird Year List updated 19.03.19

Following several local walks for my Bishop's Stortford Independent fortnightly column and a trip to a very cold North Norfolk I thought it was time to kickstart my 2019 year list of all the birds I have seen this year.
Bullfinch: Wells Next The Sea harbour, feeding on sea buckthorn

Black headed gull: Brancaster harbour

  1. Red throated diver: Holkham beach
  2. Black throated diver: Titchwell
  3. Great Northern Diver: Holkham beach
  4. Black necked grebe: Holkham beach
  5. Little Grebe: Bishop's Stortford
  6. Great crested grebe: Cambridge/Waterbeach
  7. Gannet: Cley beach
  8. Cormorant: Cley beach
  9. Little egret: Cley NWT
  10. Grey heron: Holkham
  11. Mute swan: River Stort
  12. Whooper swan: near Ely in fields
  13. Pink footed goose: Holkham
  14. Greylag goose: Trimms Green
  15. Canada goose: Holkham
  16. Brent goose: Warham Greens
  17. Shelduck: Titchwell
  18. Egyptian goose: Holkham
  19. Mallard: River Stort
  20. Gadwall: Titchwell
  21. Pintail: Titchwell
  22. Shoveler: Titchwell
  23. Wigeon: Holkham
  24. Teal: Titchwell
  25. Pochard: Titchwell
  26. Tufted duck: Fuller's End
  27. Eider: Titchwell
  28. Common scoter: Titchwell
  29. Velvet scoter: Cley beach
  30. Red kite: Little Hadham 
  31. Marsh harrier: Cley
    Red kite: Holkham
  32. Common buzzard: Little Hadham
  33. Sparrowhawk: Thorley Wash
  34. Kestrel: Little Hadham
  35. Red legged partridge: Little Hadham
  36. Grey partridge: Little Hadham
  37. pheasant: garden
  38. Water rail: Titchwell
  39. Moorhen: River Stort
  40. Coot: Titchwell
  41. Oystercatcher: Titchwell
  42. Avocet: Titchwell
  43. Ringed plover: Titchwell
  44. Grey plover: Titchwell
  45. Golden plover: Titchwell
  46. Lapwing: Amwell
  47. Sanderling: Titchwell
  48. Turnstone: Titchwell
  49. Dunlin: Cley NWT
  50. Redshank: Titchwell
  51. Black tailed godwit: Titchwell
  52. Bar tailed godwit: Titchwell
  53. Curlew: Titchwell
  54. Woodcock: Millennium Wood
  55. Black headed gull: Little Hadham
  56. Common gull: Sheringham
  57. Herring gull: Little Hadham
  58. Lesser black backed gull: Little Hadham
  59. Great black backed gull: Cley
  60. Guillemot: Cley beach 
    Curlew: Thornham harbour
  61. Wood pigeon: Little Hadham
  62. Collared dove: Little Hadham
  63. Tawny owl: Much Hadham
  64. Barn Owl: Little Hadham
  65. Little Owl: Green Tye
  66. Kingfisher: River Stort
  67. Green woodpecker: Little Hadham
  68. Great spotted woodpecker: Little Hadham
  69. Skylark: Tye Green
  70. Shore lark: Holkham beach
    Shore lark: Holkham beach 
  71. Water pipit: Titchwell
  72. Meadow pipit: Cley
  73. Pied Wagtail: Bishop's Storford
  74. Grey wagtail: Little Hadham
  75. Wren: Garden
  76. Dunnock: garden
  77. Robin: garden
  78. Song Thrush: Bishop's Stortford
  79. Mistle Thrush: Bishop's Storford
  80. Redwing: Little Hadham
  81. Fieldfare: Little Hadham
  82. Blackbird: Garden
  83. Chiffchaff: River Stort
  84. Goldcrest: Hadham Hall
  85. Great tit: Garden
  86. Blue Tit: Garden
  87. Coal Tit: Garden
  88. Marsh Tit: Fuller's End
  89. Long tailed tit: Garden
  90. Nuthatch: Turner's Spring EWT Reserve
  91. Treecreeper: Little Hadham
  92. Magpie: Garden
  93. Jay: Little Hadham
  94. Jackdaw: Garden
  95. Rook: Little Hadham
  96. Carrion Crow: Little Hadham
  97. Starling: garden
  98. House sparrow: Little Hadham
  99. Chaffinch: garden
  100. Brambling: Titchwell
  101. Linnet: Thornham harbour
  102. Twite: Thornham Harbour
  103. Goldfinch: Garden
  104. Greenfinch: Fuller's End
  105. Siskin: River Stort
  106. Bullfinch: Wells Next the Sea
  107. Reed bunting: Thorley Wash HMWT
  108. Snow bunting: Holkham beach
  109. Raven: Little Hadham
  110. Peregrine falcon: Bishop's Stortford
  111. Smew: Amwell
  112. Siskin: Bishop's Stortford
  113. Goldeneye: Amwell
  114. Mediterranean Gull (Titchwell)
  115. Wheatear (Cley, Eye Field)
  116. Rock pipit (Cley, East Bank)
Snow bunting: Salthouse beach/Gramborough Hill 2018
Teal: Titchwell RSPB Reserve
Barn owl at Holkham

Water rail: Titchwell
117. Sand martin (Amwell)
118. Little ringed plover (Amwell)
119. Willow warbler (Amwell)
120. Blackcap (Sawbridgeworth Marsh)
121. House martin (Amwell)
122. Swallow (Rushy Mead)

Blackcap singing at Amwell
Willow warbler (Amwell)
123. Common tern (Oare Marshes)
124. Whitethroat (Dungeness)
125. Sedge warbler (Dungeness)
126. Common crane (Denge Marsh)
127. Great skua (Dungeness)
128. Arctic skua (Dungeness)
129. Whimbrel (Dungeness)
130. Lesser whitethroat (AVGC)
131. Spotted flycatcher (Westland Green)
132 Garden Warbler (Cradle End)
133. Sandwich tern (Titchwell)
134. Stone curlew (Weeting Heath)
135. Swift (Little Hadham)
136 Cuckoo (Holme NWT Reserve)
137. Red crested pochard (Titchwell)
138. Hobby (Titchwell)

Little Ringed plover

Juvenile Marsh tit
pair of Stone curlew

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