
Monday 16 April 2018

Peaceful morning wander

Set off early this morning to check for migrants and further signs of spring. New for year were comma and peacock butterflies, but nothing new on the bird department. Singing blackcap and several chiffchaff whilst overhead common buzzards and red kite, but nothing too noteworthy.
A check on the high ground of Ash Valley Golf Course for wheatear or ring ouzel was fruitless; both have been recorded here in the second half of April. Wheatear are annual and ring ouzel have put in two appearances since 2008, in 2010 (25th April) and 2012 (23rd April) so the search shall continue.
Great colours of this female yellowhammer matching the willow branches.

same bird


Comma, first of the year

The security guys were looking pretty mean by the kissing gate.

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