
Friday 6 October 2017

Back to Norfolk

Setting off reasonably early on Wednesday for another Norfolk day, it was at Swaffham traffic lights when it dawned upon me that my binoculars were not in the car, but on the bookshelf at home. Consequently, just telescope, tripod and 400mm lens on camera. However, I managed to blag a pair at Cley NWT centre so all was not lost.
A grey day with a cold northerly wind meant 3 layers of clothing as I wandered to Kelling Water Meadows where the usual suspects, Egyptian goose, several dunlin, finches and tits were to be found. First highlight of the day: 2 spotted redshanks.
From here, off to Cley, coffee and a wander along the East Bank to the Richie Richardson hide. Hard to believe it is 40 years since Richie died, a real character in his leather trousers, leather jacket and Norton bike. H appeared to be ever present on the East Bank in the 70's before his illness.
Off to the hides in the centre of the reserve where, going through plenty of dunlin on Pat's Pool, I came across several curlew sandpipers and a flock of 8 little stint. Marsh harriers put these up just as I was pointing them out to several in the hide. Fortunately they landed closer to the hide and all got good views of the stints.
Stonechat at Cley

5 Little stint

Pair of Dunlin at Cley

2 Little stint


From here, after a quick check at Holkham, to Titchwell. Not much of note at Choseley drying barns but a yellow browed warbler, briefly, in the car park at the RSPB reserve. Here, without binoculars challenged my id skills as redshanks and curlews flew over Thornham marsh. Several bearded tits pinged in the reedbed but it was far too windy for them to show themselves. From the island hide, plenty of ruff, teal, shovelers, a few black tailed godwits and a large flock of golden plover.
On to the Parrinder Hide in now rapidly failing light but nothing to add.
As I headed back to the car a solitary sandpiper called overhead, the nervous sounding, scratchy call of another curlew sandpiper.
A good day, but, again, the light did not lend itself to any good photos. A selection here, all taken in windy, grey conditions.
Golden plover coming in to roost for the night

Overhead golden plover flock

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