
Sunday 15 October 2017

Amwell Visit

Yesterday, I had been asked to lead a walk around HMWT Amwell Reserve, near Ware, Herts, for the South Leicester Bird Club. We met in Amwell Lane at 10.00a.m. and headed to the Viewing Point where we met voluntary Warden, Darren. Bearded reedlings had been present, but had flown off high to the south just 15 minutes before our arrival. From this vantage point we noted a few wigeon, lapwing, greylag geese, mallards, coots and a variety of gulls. A grey heron was motionless in front of us and a male stonechat sporadically posed on top of the reeds and willows.
From here we headed to the hides, noting comma and red admiral butterflies whilst over the other side of the water, ravens, red kites, buzzards and a solitary sparrowhawk circled, attracting the attention of carrion crows and jackdaws.
We noted several species of leaf mining moths on leaves of bramble, sycamore and hazel as we headed along the boardwalk to the main hide. Tufted duck dived on the adjacent pool and from the hide: pochard, wigeon, grey heron and overhead several meadow pipits and a linnet.

Red admiral

From the viewing point

Greylag, black headed gulls and lapwing

Distant raven, on of 2 present over the Easeneye Estate

From here, we set off to meet Darren again along the dragonfly trail. A flock of blue, long tailed and great tits were working their way through the willows as we came across a single goldcrest, Common blue damsels, common darters and migrant hawkers were on the wing as were plenty of caddis flies. Red signal crayfish made the day list and soon after we watched as a kestrel dived from a telegraph pole into the grass, to then be chased by a magpie. Overhead, a sparrowhawk flew by after a Great Spotted woodpecker. A green woodpecker called as we checked the buddleia for butterflies and finches but a Speckled cricket on the fence was all we noted.
Tufted duck washing

tufted duck

grey heron

drake pochard

great crested grebe

Over the bridge and through the coppice finished the 2.5 hour stay where several flowering plants were noted along with more comma and red admirals as well as one Large white.
In all, a wonderful morning in great company. I then drove the group to Rye Meads RSPB Reserve just a few miles the other side of Stansted Abbotts. Here, it was picnic time, so after a check on the board to see what was about and having enjoyed a coffee, I left the group to go in search of green sandpiper, kingfishers, wildfowl and more stonechats. With a bit of luck, the day list of bird species may have reached a most creditable 70.
Thanks to Darren Bast for helping with this trip and giving up his morning to show us around the dragonfly trail. Most grateful.
Great crested grebe


Distant red kite

Comma, showing the "comma" marking on the underwing

  1. Little grebe
  2. Great crested grebe
  3. Cormorant
  4. Grey heron
  5. Mute swan
  6. Greylag goose
  7. Canada goose
  8. Mallard
  9. Gadwall
  10. Shoveler
  11. Wigeon
  12. Pochard
  13. Tufted duck
  14. Red kite
  15. Common buzzard
  16. Sparrowhawk
  17. Kestrel
  18. Red legged partridge (feathers only!)
  19. Pheasant
  20. Water rail (heard)
  21. Moorhen
  22. Coot
  23. Lapwing
  24. Black headed gull
  25. Herring gull
  26. Lesser Black backed gull
  27. Wood pigeon
  28. Collared dove
  29. Green woodpecker (heard)
  30. Great spotted woodpecker
  31. Skylark (heard)
  32. Meadow pipit
  33. Pied wagtail
  34. Wren
  35. Dunnock
  36. Robin
  37. Stonechat
  38. Blackbird
  39. Ctti's warbler (heard)
  40. Goldcrest
  41. Great tit
  42. Blue tit
  43. Long tailed tit
  44. Nuthatch (heard)
  45. Magpie
  46. Jay (heard)
  47. Jackdaw
  48. Carrion crow
  49. Raven
  50. Chaffinch
  51. Goldfinch
  52. Linnet
Large white butterfly
Red admiral
Speckled cricket
Red signal crayfish
Migrant hawker
Common darter
Common blue damselfly
Various caddisfly
White tailed bumblebee
Harlequin ladybird
Merveille du Jour (released, trapped in Little Hadham)
White point moth (released, trapped in Little Hadham)
Stigmella aurella leafmine
Phyllonorycter coryli leafmine
Phyllonorycter messaniella leafmine
Phyllonorycter devoniella leafmine
Stigmella microtheriella leafmine
Cameraria ohridella leafmine
Herb robert
Common comphrey
Indian balsam
Scarlet pimpernel
Common field speedwell
White dead nettle
Bristly ox tongue
Merveille du Jour (Pleasure of the day)

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