
Thursday 7 September 2017

Few more moths

As this week has progressed the moth numbers have continued to increase, with 55 of 22 species taken last night to the garden Skinner 125 MV trap. Whilst most remains the same a few additions to the year list have been made.
A red underwing was new for year on the 2nd whilst an exciting find of the relatively common Argyresthia semifusca  was new for parish records on the 3rd, also in the garden.
Argyresthia semifusca

On the 4th I set the 15W heath actinic trap on the local golf course. I was rewarded with new for year records of Acleris emargana, centre barred sallow, Mompha subbistrigella and a new for parish record of an Anacampsis species. I suspect A. populella as the trap was underneath willow, but gen det required to confirm.
Centre barred sallow

At home on the same night a surprise 2nd generation lilac beauty and a first of the year oak hooktip. This was my 253rd macro of the year, the Anacampsis being 185th micro.
last night, nothing new, but an Old Lady actually in the trap was unusual and only my 2nd Cataclysta lemnata for the year. This morning's haul takes me to 9000 moths for the year of 438 species.
Old Lady

Cataclysta lemnata

Acleris emargana

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