
Thursday 24 August 2017

New species for parish records

Over the last couple of nights the numbers of moths trapped has increased markedly, with over 100 in the garden Skinner last night and then night before. The portable Heath trap was also deployed last night, in a field opposite the village pub, where, traditionally, very low catches have been made. Last night proved the point once again with just 26 moths by 11.15pm of 13 species. However, an Old Lady was the 246th macro for the year.
Back at the garden Skinner trap on the 21st a year high of 31 Setaceous hebrew characters. This was beaten on the 22nd when the total reached 38 before dropping last night to 22.
Also on the 21st, 33 Large yellow underwings were taken at Pig's Green.
In the trap last night a Nephopterix angustella, which was a new for parish record earlier this year and now I have taken 8 since late May.
Also, a Phycitodes binaevella was a new for year records, taking the micro total to 180 species for 2017.
However, the highlight was a very battered moth, presumed to be a Clay triple lines, a new moth for me when I receive confirmation. Having rechecked my lists, I noted a double entry of Lesser spotted pinion, originally taken in 2012 and one I must have overlooked when I claimed the specimen I took this year as a parish first. Consequently, the Clay triple lines becomes moth species 699 for the parish.
White point

Presumed clay triple lines. Sadly 3 good moths I have taken for the first time this year (Ruddy carpet, Pretty Chalk carpet and this) have all been in disappointing condition.

Garden carpet

Nephopterix angustella
All this renewed activity means I am still on or around 699 species for Little Hadham Parish, with a total of 7700 moths identified so far this year.

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