
Monday 14 August 2017

New for Year moths in first half of August

The weather recently has been very poor, damp, heavy rain and or/cold and clear with a bright moon. Consequently, fewer moths than would be anticipated for August.
However, things are beginning to pick up and last night, with the 15 watt heath trap set along a well wooded bridle path, I took 53 moths with a fair few expected new for year.
Before this, I had just run the garden Skinner 125 watt trap in the garden. Here I have added:
Straw underwing (04.viii.17)
Small phoenix (04.viii.17)
Cocylis molliclunana (04.viii.17)
Amblyptilia acanthadactyla (09.viii.17)
Canary shouldered thorn (11.viii.17) Only my 2nd record following a 2014 capture in Millennium Wood
Dusky thorn (12.viii.17)
Canary shouldered thorn

same insect

Dusky thorn

Canary shouldered thorn

Last night, (13.viii.17) at Valley Fields I took new for year specimens of:
Dark sword grass
Purple bar
Svensson's copper underwing
Six spot rustic
Square spot rustic.
Dark sword grass from Valley Fields

dark sword grass from garden on the same night

Flounced rustic

These additions take the total species for the year to 418, with 241 macros and 177 micros. In total, now up to 6651 moths for 2017.

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