
Thursday 22 June 2017

Hot Day in North Norfolk

Last Monday (19th June) I set off for North Norfolk around 9am after sorting out a busy moth trap. I headed to Cley where, upon arrival, the temperature was already 30C. No wind meant I darted between hides and was happy to stay in these instead of my usual longer walks. Very little at Cley, but bright light leant itself to better photo opportunities.
Vociferous sedge warbler

Adult redshank on the hide roof keeping an eye on its juvenile in the grass

Good detail courtesy of the light

Juvenile redshank

2 distant spoonbills

Chirpy wren

Another singing sedge warbler
From here, following a coffee, I headed to Choseley
Male chaffinch that landed at my feet at Choseley
where I added a few farmland birds to the rather short list, before checking into Titchwell. Another coffee and chat with the staff before I set off for the Island and Parrinder Hides and then, around 5pm on to the beach. A distant spotted redshank and a few med gulls were the highlights, but with plenty of birds to check, I spent quite a will in the cool of the hides. A light breeze on the beach was pleasing as I checked out common, little and sandwich terns and a good sized flock of bar tailed godwits. Back on the reserve my first little gull of the year zipped past before a check around the car park for a turtle dove that didn't appear to want to be seen.
feeding avocet

distant summer plumaged spotted redshank

Another of the many avocets

Mediterranean Gull

left to right: black headed gull, moulting med gull, moulting black headed in background, med gull, med gull, black headed gull

Skulking magpie in Titchwell car park

Holme gates were shut when I arrived, so parked near them and took a short walk along the footpath. Not too much movement but a lesser whitethroat got on to the day list but flatly refused to emerge from the undergrowth, so I had to make do with a few photos of a common whitethroat. A good journey home saw me back at the moth trap and making a list of 77 species for the day. Lovely to be there again.

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