
Sunday 28 May 2017

Latest moth news

A period of good mothing, 19th May to 27th May meant many additions to the year list and a new for parish records in the form of a Seraphim. Amazingly, the 1st, taken at Pig's Green on the 22nd was followed by one to the garden trap a few hours later. This constitutes my 670th moth species for the parish.
Away trips with the 15W heath actinic trap have been:
21st: Ash Valley Golf Course where Anthophilia fabricana was new for the year
22nd: Pig's Green where, apart from Seraphim, sandy carpet, small rivulet, clouded bordered brindle, red green carpet and Anania hortulata got on the year list.
24th: Valley Fields where I added pale prominent, Garden carpet, and Crambus lathionellus were added.
25th: East Wood, a new site within the parish for me that gave up Ghost moth, Brown silver lines, Yellow barred brindle, Scoparia pyralella and Elasticha canapennella.

At Home to the garden 125W skinner trap gave the following new for year records
20th: buff ermine, Common carpet, Setaceous hebrew character, chocolate tip. The latter being my 100th moth species for 2017.
21st: pale tussock, Common marbled carpet, Snout
22nd: straw dot, common wainscot, Esperia sulpherella
23rd: Cydia pomonella, Iron prominent and Scorched wing
24th: Swallow prominent, Celypha lacunana, Epiphyas postvittana, Ditula angustiorana, Notocelia cynosbatella, Agapeta hamana, Large nutmeg, Middle barred minor and small clouded brindle.
25th: Clouded silver (100th macro species for the year), White spotted pug and  Nephopterix angustella
26th: Buff tip, orange footman, tawny marbled minor and Nutmeg.

A good week or so with fine temperatures that looks set to continue. Totals so far:
1250 moths
105 macros
38 micros.
Swallow prominent

Small clouded brindle

rustic shoulder knot

pale prominent

Middle barred minor

Buff tip


Orange footman

Sandy carpet

Glphipterix simpliciella

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