
Saturday 6 May 2017

Another Norfolk Day

Another Friday, another early start meant I was wandering along Garden Drove, just east of Wells by 7.50a.m. Parking near the pig farm gave me views of grey partridge whilst whitethroats, blackcaps, chiffchaffs, a single willow warbler along with resident birds were all on the list promptly.
At Warham Greens, 3 whimbrel, egrets, brent geese and hoardes of goldfinches. A good start to the day as I ticked pied wagtail in the pig field where there were more grey partridge.
Grey partridge

Startled brown hare

willow warbler

Very distant whimbrel

Another grey partridge
I returned to the car and thought it has been a while since I did a tour of the Cley Square, so off I went. A hobby flew parallel to the car as I headed into Cley and more impressively, a short eared owl on the Coast Road near the cattle field and the junction of the Beach Road. Both new for year birds. I parked at the NWT HQ and wandered off to the central hides. Flyby bearded tits were another year lister and a sedge warbler skulked in bushes near Daukes Hide. The views from all 3 hides were disappointing, with little to be seen, so back to the car, recording reed warbler and reed bunting along with a distant marsh harrier.
Secretive sedge warbler

A more showy individual

reed bunting

I now headed to Kelling Water Meadows but little to be seen here. Usual warbler selection along the path and just a few avocets and gulls loafing around on the water, so back to the car, noting orange tip, peacock, small tortoiseshell and green veined white butterflies along the way.
Green veined white on common (or russian) comphrey
I now thought a visit to Gramborough Hill , east of Salthouse Beach Road, may prove profitable. Meadow pipits and skylarks along with a single wheatear, several ringed plover and warblers was my reward for the walk on and around the hill. A whitethroat sang constantly and I managed a shot through the vegetation of him.
Best I could manage of a whitethroat

Last Friday I only spent a short time at Titchwell, venturing no further than the island hide, so today, I headed off there, popping up to Choseley for a uick check. Gald I did as a corn bunting was a year lister and a splendid female yellow wagtail flew down to a puddle as I was driving off.
Into Titchwell where I stopped for a coffee and chatted to Derek, a birder who has spent birding time with Colin Wells, a Stortford birder. On the path I met a couple from South Leicester bird club to whom I have given presentations, good to see them. On to the beach and a chance to find a sheltered spot from the constant north easterly. On a rough sea at least 14 velvet scoters in a raft of 100+ commons but little else. A common tern posed for this series of hovering photos and a little ringed plover and common sandpiper made the day and year list.
A good day, indeed, totalling 90 species, a record for me this year.
Mallard family

Common tern

Male ruff coming into breeding plumage

Little ringed plover

The Freshmarsh

Dabbling teal

In all, I added 12 year listers:
velvet scoter
little ringed plover
common sandpiper
bar tailed godwit
little tern
short eared owl
house martin
beared reedling
yellow wagtail
corn bunting.

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