
Tuesday 4 April 2017

Bird year list 2017: updated 05.05.17

With 2 weeks away in Sri Lanka and too much work, I have not been as active in birding as usual. Only last Friday was my 1st away day, to Rainham Marshes whilst yesterday was my first 2017 trip to North Norfolk. Consequently, many overwintering species are going to not be seen until the end of the year.
For what it is worth, my first list of the year is as follows. If no site recorded then local, i.e. Little Hadham parish, East Herts.
Little Hadham mandarin

  1. little grebe
  2. great crested grebe (Titchwell)
  3. fulmar (Dungeness)
  4. gannet (Dungeness)
  5. cormorant
  6. little egret (Rainham Marsh)
  7. grey heron
  8. spoonbill (Titchwell)
  9. mute swan (Kelling water meadows)
  10. greylag goose (Rainham)
  11. canada goose (Rainham)
  12. brent goose (Warham Greens)
  13. shelduck (Rainham)
  14. egyptian goose (Cley)
  15. mandarin
  16. mallard
  17. gadwall (Rainham)
  18. pintail (Rainham)
  19. shoveler (Rainham)
  20. wigeon (Rainham)
  21. teal (Rainham)
  22. pochard (Cley)
  23. redcrested pochard (Titchwell)
  24. tufted duck (Rainham)
  25. Ring necked duck (Dungeness)
  26. common scoter (Titchwell)
  27. Velvet scoter (Titchwell)
  28. long tailed duck (Titchwell)
  29. goldeneye (Dungeness)
  30. red breasted merganser (Titchwell)
  31. red kite
  32. marsh harrier (Cley)
  33. common buzzard
  34. sparrowhawk
  35. kestrel
  36. hobby (Wiveton)
  37. red legged partridge
  38. grey partridge
  39. pheasant
  40. moorhen
  41. coot
  42. oystercatcher (Cley)
  43. avocet (Kelling Water Meadows)
  44. little ringed plover (Titchwell)
  45. ringed plover (Rainham)
  46. grey plover (Titchwell)
  47. lapwing
  48. knot (Cley)
  49. turnstone (Burnham Overy Staithe)
  50. dunlin (Cley)
  51. common sandpiper (Kelling WM)
  52. redshank (Rainham)
  53. black tailed godwit (Cley)
  54. Bar tailed godwit (Titchwell)
  55. curlew (Warham Greens)
  56. whimbrel (Burnham Overy Staithe)
  57. woodcock
  58. snipe (Titchwell)
  59. jack snipe (Rainham)
  60. ruff (Cley)
  61. black headed gull
  62. common gull
  63. mediterranean gull (Titchwell)
  64. herring gull
  65. lesser black backed gull
  66. Great black backed gull (Kelling WM)
  67. Caspian gull (Dungeness)
  68. sandwich tern (Dungeness)
  69. Common tern (Dungeness)
  70. stock dove (Warham Greens)
  71. wood pigeon
  72. collared dove
  73. swift (Titchwell)
  74. tawny owl
  75. barn owl
  76. short eared owl (Cley)
  77. little owl
  78. green woodpecker
  79. great spotted woodpecker
  80. lesser spotted woodpecker
  81. skylark
  82. woodlark (Kelling Heath)
  83. sand martin (Rainham)
  84. house martin (Cley)
  85. swallow (Titchwell)
  86. meadow pipit (Cley)
  87. pied wagtail
  88. grey wagtail
  89. yellow wagtail (Rainham)
  90. wren
  91. dunnock
  92. robin
  93. Black redstart (Dungeness)
  94. wheatear (Kelling WM)
  95. stonechat (Kelling WM)
  96. song thrush
  97. redwing
  98. fieldfare
  99. mistle thrush
  100. blackbird
  101. blackcap 
  102. Lesser whitethroat (Kelling Water Meadows)
  103. whitethroat (Dungeness)
  104. sedge warbler (Rainham)
  105. cettis warbler (Rainham)
  106. reed warbler (Dungeness)
  107. willow warbler (Kelling Heath)
  108. chiffchaff
  109. goldcrest
  110. great tit
  111. blue tit
  112. coal tit
  113. long tailed tit
  114. bearded tit (Cley)
  115. nuthatch
  116. tree creeper
  117. magpie
  118. jay
  119. jackdaw
  120. rook
  121. carrion crow
  122. starling
  123. house sparrow
  124. chaffinch
  125. linnet
  126. goldfinch
  127. greenfinch
  128. siskin
  129. bullfinch
  130. reed bunting
  131. yellowhammer
  132. Corn Bunting (Choseley)
Norfolk turnstone

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