
Monday 17 October 2016

Hadham Hall visit

A quick visit to Hadham Hall and the lagoon to check for migrants and collect some owl pellets for work in the village primary school tomorrow and Wednesday. Pellets were found, indicating the barn owls, evicted in spring by wood pigeons may have returned to their traditional nest hole.
On the lagoon just a solitary moorhen and a flyover grey wagtail and linnet flock. Overhead a common buzzard was mobbed by 7 carrion crows. Interest however was on the dead tree on the private road leading to the hall. I noted a small falcon so stopped for identification and a few very distant shots. A kestrel, not such a common bird in the parish as it was 10 years ago. This year I only found evidence of 3 breeding pairs, 2008 it was closer to 10 pairs.
A green woodpecker tried to find food on a telegraph pole near the lagoon, but apart from these sightings, nothing else note worthy.
kestrel at Hadham Hall looking for food in the recently mown field

Green woodpecker


distant buzzard being mobbed

Same tree, same kestrel, different perch as I left

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