
Friday 30 September 2016

2 firsts for the year in 10 minutes

Sometimes in nature watching you see nothing new for a while and then, for no good reason, several happen together. Yesterday afternoon was such an occasion with a visit to collect barn owl pellets near Hadham Hall. As I approached the lagoon a small copper flew by before settling for a few photos. Only 4th time I have seen one in the parish and this was a new site. A few feet further on I viewed the water of the lagoon and on the far side of the water were a pair of eclipse wigeon. This represented only the 2nd sighting of this over wintering duck. A good record indeed.
Little else was noted so I headed back, checking a few trees for leaf mines. A mine of Stigmella aceris was found on field maple at the site I was planning on setting the moth trap later in the evening.
When I returnedat 7.00, I set up and then checked the long ivy clad wall of Hadham Hall. By 9pm I had a very short list, so headed off to check Millennium Wood, where I recorded a single herald and then on to Westland Green. By now the temperature had dropped enough to see your own breath. An Acleris rhombana was the only moth netted, so back to Hadham Hall for a final check and to empty the trap.
Species list:
Hadham Hall:
Barred sallow (new for site)
Setaceous hebrew character
Angle shades
Common marbled carpet (new for site)
Lunar underwing (new for site)
Eudonia angustea (new for site)
Large yellow underwing

Home Trap;
Large yellow underwing
Setaceous hebrew character
Epiphyas postvittana
Lunar underwing
Lesser yellow underwing
Acleris variegana
Garden carpet

Plus Herald at Millennium Wood and Acleris rhombana at Westland Green
Small copper near Hadham Hall

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