
Wednesday 27 July 2016

Norfolk Day

After many weeks I returned for a day's birding to North Norfolk last Friday. As it was mid July my expectation anything out of the ordinary would turn up was low and this proved to be correct. First stop was Cley and a wander along the East Bank and a brief sea watch. Not too much and nothing noteworthy on what was becoming a warm and sunny day. Off to Kelling water meadows and 2 wood sandpipers were a pleasing find before a quick trip up to Kelling Heath. Here, a 15 minute walk realised 1 wood pigeon.
Back to Cley beach car park where sky larks, more avocets and a med gull were noted but the view from the North screen was too hazy for any good viewing. Dunlin, redshanks and not a lot else.
Then, after a quick stop at Burnham Overy on to Titchwell where the light was better but heat haze was an issue. Little stint, 2 whimbrel, spoonbills made the day list along with the regular fare, before returning to Wells for a couple of jars with Gary before heading home.
Whilst the list is not a typical Norfolk one, still great to be there and I plan to return in the next fortnight, when waders should be returning in greater numbers.
Species list:

  1. little grebe
  2. great crested grebe
  3. cormorant
  4. little egret
  5. grey heron
  6. spoonbill
  7. mute swan
  8. greylag goose
  9. canada goose
  10. shelduck
  11. mallard
  12. gadwall
  13. teal
  14. tufted duck
  15. red kite
  16. common buzzard
  17. kestrel
  18. hobby
  19. pheasant
  20. moorhen
  21. coot
  22. oystercatcher
  23. avocet
  24. golden plover
  25. lapwing
  26. dunlin
  27. little stint
  28. wood sandpiper
  29. redshank
  30. spotted redshank
  31. black tailed godwit
  32. bar tailed godwit
  33. curlew
  34. whimbrel
  35. ruff
  36. black headed gull
  37. meduterranean gull
  38. herring gull
  39. lesser black backed gull
  40. sandwich tern
  41. common tern
  42. wood pigeon
  43. collared dove
  44. swift
  45. kingfisher
  46. greater spotted woodpecker
  47. skylark
  48. swallow
  49. house martin
  50. meadow pipit
  51. pied wagtail
  52. grey wagtailwren
  53. dunnock
  54. robin
  55. song thrush
  56. blackbird
  57. reed warbler
  58. cettis warbler
  59. chiffchaff
  60. great tit
  61. blue tit
  62. bearded tit
  63. magpie
  64. jay
  65. jackdaw
  66. rook
  67. carrion crow
  68. starling
  69. house sparrow
  70. chaffinch
  71. linnet
  72. goldfinch
  73. greenfinch
  74. yellowhammer
  75. reed bunting

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