
Thursday 9 June 2016

Moths galore

With the rise in both day and night time temperatures, coupled with no moon and little wind, the last few nights have been excellent mothing conditions.
Last night, a quick check along Chapel Lane before it was fully dark gave :
Treble brown spot (NFY)
A 5 minute standing still session at The Green at Westland Green gave:
3 silver ground carpet
5 straw dot
Scoapria ambigualis (NFY)
Scoparia basistrigalis

Then, on to the 15W actinic trap set along a muddy track in Pigs Green. By this time it was 10.50 and it was clearly going to be a busy trap. Even with the tube turned off, moths (mainly common swifts) were being constantly attracted to the head torch. Anything that wasn't a common swift or silver-ground carpet was netted, but still 15+ escaped capture and therefore identification. Anyway these were noted:
Aphomia sociella
12 common swift
2 straw dot
3 common pug
4 silver-ground carpet
4 treble lines
6 ingrailled clay
common white wave (NFY)
pebble hooktip (NFM)
Rivulet (NFY)
Eulia ministrana
Brown silver line (NFM)
Crambus lathionellus
Pthteochroa rugosana
Scoparia ambigualis
3 pugs await confirmation

This morning, a not too early check on the garden skinner gave records of:
buff ermine
willow beauty
2 common swift
treble lines
Rustic shoulder knot
straw dot
Hedya pruniana (NFY)
Epiblema scutulana (TBC) and (NFY if so)
Mottled pug
1 pug awaits confirmation

All in all, takes me past 1000 moth records for the year, made up now from 94 macros and 44 micros: 138 species for 2016. Far in excess of last year's figure.
Pebble hooktip

selection of ingrailed clay

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