
Friday 22 April 2016

Final day photos

The last morning and time to wander the wetlands again. Wasn't expecting anything new, just good to be there, but a flyover woodchat shrike was a new trip lister. Few more photos and I was off for the airport. Arrived early so had a wander around and amazingly, 5 crag martins gliding under arches on the airport concrete. I tried in vain to get a shot that clinched it, showing white windows on the tail, but eventually managed. After this, 2 came to roost within a few metres of where I was, so shot off loads in good light. What a finish! In all 59 species and some birds that I won't be seeing in the UK this year, so all's good.
little stint

distant little stint under a black winged stilt

dark wings and dark tail with hint of white window clinches the crag martin

airport architecture

What a bird to finish the trip with and so obliging for a photo.

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