
Monday 18 April 2016

Day 1 Aveiro trip

A sedate start to this 4 day trip to check the wetlands between the coast and Aveiro, a town south of Porto.
Flight was fine and then metro train into the city and an hour train to Aveiro meant I was out birding by 3pm.
A wander to the outskirts of the town was enough, with plenty of waders and some passerines to get on the list straight away.
As I walked out of the Tourist Information office with bus timetable and map, 2 little terns called and my attention was attracted to the other side of the canal. Waders everywhere and within half an hour the list was impressive. I wandered further, seeing 100's of summer plumages dunlin, black winged stilts, little stints, curlew, common and wood sandpipers, Kentish and ringed plover. A black redstart called and was found on a roof. White wagtail over and a common buzzard put up all the waders. Great start and now a beer, shower and out for something to eat.
Tomorrow, bus at 7 for a long wander around the coastal area of Sao Jacquinto. Should be excellent.
Photo of waders on the edge of some salt pans on the outskirts of the town.
Species: wood pigeon, magpie, yellow legged gull, serin, white stork, house sparrow, collared dove, swallow, Kentish plover, black winged stilt, cormorant, common sandpiper, ringed plover, dunlin, little tern, curlew sandpiper, fan tailed warbler, wood sandpiper, starling, mallard, white wagtail, green shank, little egret, buzzard, black redstart, blackbird, black headed gull, lesser black backed gull, common swift, pallid swift, black tailed godwit.

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