
Thursday 21 April 2016

Aveiro Day 3

A day that started with a cloudless sky and warm temps. All good for a day wandering the endless salt pans, lakes and rivers that flow into the Bay of Aveiro. Plenty of birds including numerous black kite, black redstarts and fan tailed warbler.
A gull billed tern flew overhead me from behind so missed a possible photo and 4 whimbrel called from the mud. A white stork over before a curlew called from distance. Shelduck made the trip list and more black winged stilt, little terns, dunlin and little stints. In amongst these the occasional curlew sandpiper. 2 close by wood sandpiper were fine before I headed back to town after 4 hours of walking. Beer time before I headed off north to more salt pans. Solitary redshank and several calling yellow wagtail sub species iberriae noted taking day list of new species to 6. Following this a brief train trip to local woodland but nothing new. Back to hotel and evening meal. All good.

Additional species: curlew, yellow wagtail, whimbrel, gull billed tern, shelduck, redshank.

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