
Saturday 26 March 2016

Updated year list 30.03.16

After yesterday's Norfolk visit, a few more to the list: brambling, peregrine, whimbrel. dartford warbler, lapland bunting.
A few more visits to Kent and Norfolk over the next month should get the list on the move, with 150+ being possible by the end of May once the regular summer migrants have all arrived. Too late now, I suspect to add anymore winter visitors until late Autumn.
A trip to Dungeness on 30.03.16 added great skua, wheatear, black redstart, firecrest, sandwich tern, ringed plover, snipe and raven. The first four all before 8.30a.m.
Little Hadham goldrest.

  1. red throated diver (Titchwell)
  2. slavonian grebe (Dungeness)
  3. little grebe (Wells Next the Sea)
  4. great crested grebe (Dungeness)
  5. gannet (West Runton)
  6. cormorant (Titchwell)
  7. little egret (Titchwell)
  8. grey heron (Titchwell)
  9. mute swan (Titchwell)
  10. bean goose tundra (Salthouse)
  11. pink footed goose (Holkham)
  12. greylag goose (Titchwell)
  13. canada goose (Burnham Overy Staithe)
  14. barnacle goose (Dungeness)
  15. brent goose (Titchwell)
  16. shelduck (Titchwell)
  17. Egyptian goose (Holkham)
  18. mandarin (Little Hadham)
  19. mallard (Titchwell)
  20. gadwall (Titchwell)
  21. pintail (Oare Marshes)
  22. shoveler
  23. wigeon
  24. teal (All above: Titchwell)
  25. pochard (Dungeness)
  26. red crested pochard (Lackford Lakes)
  27. common scoter (Titchwell)
  28. goldeneye ( Titchwell)
  29. smew (Dungeness)
  30. red breasted merganser (Titchwell)
  31. red kite (Well Next the Sea harbour)
  32. marsh harrier (Titchwell)
  33. common buzzard (Little Hadham)
  34. kestrel (Little Hadham)
  35. sparrowhawk (Bishop's Stortford)
  36. peregrine falcon (Titchwell)
  37. red legged partridge (Choseley)
  38. grey partridge (Holkham)
  39. pheasant (Little Hadham)
  40. moorhen (Titchwell)
  41. coot (Dungeness)
  42. oystercatcher (Titchwell)
  43. avocet (Titchwell)
  44. ringed plover (Dungeness)
  45. grey plover
  46. golden plover 
  47. lapwing
  48. sanderling (All above: Titchwell)
  49. purple sandpiper (Sheringham)
  50. turnstone (Titchwell)
  51. dunlin (Titchwell)
  52. green sandpiper (Lemsford HMWT Reserve)
  53. redshank
  54. black tailed godwit
  55. bar tailed godwit
  56. curlew (All above: Titchwell)
  57. whimbrel (Kelling Water Meadows)
  58. snipe (Dungeness)
  59. woodcock (Little Hadham)
  60. ruff (Titchwell)
  61. Great Skua (Dungeness)
  62. black headed gull
  63. common gull
  64. herring gull
  65. lesser black backed gull
  66. great black backed gull (All above: Titchwell)
  67. glaucous gull (Salthouse)
  68. sandwich tern (Dungeness)
  69. guillemot (West Runton)
  70. razorbill (Dungeness)
  71. wood pigeon (Little Hadham)
  72. Stock dove (Burnham Overy Staithe)
  73. collared dove (Little Hadham)
  74. tawny owl (Little Hadham)
  75. barn owl (Titchwell)
  76. Little owl (Little Hadham)
  77. kingfisher (Titchwell)
  78. green woodpecker (Little Hadham)
  79. Great spotted woodpecker (Little Hadham)
  80. Lesser Spotted woodecker (Spellbrook)
  81. skylark (Choseley)
  82. swallow (Little Hadham)
  83. water pipit
  84. meadow pipit
  85. pied wagtail (All above: Titchwell)
  86. grey wagtail 
  87. wren
  88. dunnock 
  89. robin (All above: Little Hadham)
  90. black redstart (Dungeness)
  91. wheatear (Dungeness)
  92. stonechat
  93. redwing
  94. fieldfare (All above: Little Hadham)
  95. song thrush
  96. mistle thrush (Both Titchwell)
  97. blackbird (Little Hadham)
  98. garden warbler (Little Hadham)
  99. blackcap (Little Hadham)
  100. whitethroat (Thorley Wash)
  101. Dartford warbler (Kelling Water meadows)
  102. sedge warbler (Spellbrook)
  103. willow warbler (Little Hadham)
  104. chiffchaff (Titchwell)
  105. cetti's warbler (Titchwell)
  106. goldcrest (Little Hadham)
  107. firecrest (Dungeness)
  108. great tit
  109. blue tit
  110. coal tit (All Little Hadham)
  111. marsh tit (Titchwell)
  112. long tailed tit 
  113. nuthatch 
  114. treecreeper 
  115. magpie
  116. jay
  117. jackdaw
  118. carrion crow
  119. rook (All above: Little Hadham)
  120. raven (Dungeness)
  121. starling
  122. house sparrow (All above: Little Hadham)
  123. tree sparrow (Dungeness)
  124. chaffinch  Little Hadham)
  125. brambling (Titchwell)
  126. linnet (Titchwell)
  127. goldfinch (Little Hadham)
  128. greenfinch (Little Hadham)
  129. siskin (North Creake)
  130. bullfinch (Little Hadham)
  131. reed bunting (Titchwell)
  132. lapland bunting (Blakeney Freshmarsh)
  133. yellowhammer (Choseley)
  134. corn bunting (Choseley)
updated: 27.04.16

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