
Monday 22 February 2016

Moth Update

After a frenetic end to January, things calmed down in February, with no new moths until a Clouded Drab to the garden Skinner on 20.ii.16 and then a Small Quaker on 21.ii.16 in Millennium Wood, also to a 125MV bulb.
However, a few pleasing trappings over the last few weeks, with Pale Brindled Beauty, March moth, Acleris ferrugana (gen det confirmed) and Early moth on the 4th. These were followed by more March moths, a first Hebrew character for the garden trap on the 17th, along with a 2nd Dark Chestnut.
The Millennium Wood Small Quaker represented the 100th moth for my list of the year, made up of 14 macro species and 4 micros. Considering only 2 sites within the parish have been trapped, a good return for such an early time of the year.
Clouded drab
Small Quaker

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