
Monday 16 November 2015

Millennium Wood Work party

A group of 7 children and 10 adults met at the wood at 10am to continue the work begun last month. A chainsaw had been used before 10 so the stumps left over were removed and major trunks and branches cut up into manageable lengths.These have now been piled for an invertebrate area alongside the path.
Other jobs were lopping the thin branches and piling these up for a bonfire next weekend and generally tidying the area of twigs etc. The final few trees were removed to complete the "ride" and then plenty of knapweed, meadowsweet and nettle seeds were thrown around by the children to encourage flower growth for nectaring insects.
Next job is to open a bank account and begin applying for grants so we can purchase some quality nest boxes, bee hotels and bat boxes. Our next work party is Sunday 13th December and it is hoped that these boxes will be put up during this session.
sowing seeds.

should always be times to climb trees

Dennis, busy lopping

final tidy up

some of the children, Liz and Keith

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