
Thursday 19 November 2015

Amwell Visit

Met up at mid morning with John Fisher and several members of the RSPB Watford group at HMWT Amwell Reserve. From the viewpoint a selection of common, lesser black backed, herring and black headed gulls along with waterfowl and coots. From here, we headed, in increasing rain, to the Gladwin Hide where goldeneye, shoveler, great crested grebe and cormorants were noted. A party of about 15 siskins bounced over to our left. The rain eased a little so, after a quick view over Gt Hardmead Lake from the viewpoint again, off to the White and James Hides. Along the path, robins, wrens, dunnocks, chaffinch and goldfinch, with a calling cettis. The reed cutting boat (Truxor) was operating so we ignored the James Hide. As we headed along the boardwalk, long tailed tits over and views of a party of siskins for those at the back of the party. From the hide a flight of wigeon arrived accompanied by several teal
 Not too much else, before I said my farewells and headed, via the woods, back to the car. Along the way, I added green woodpecker, treecreeper and a goldcrest calling from the trees near the horse field on Amwell Lane.
A good couple of hours in very grey light.
I am giving a presentation to Watford RSPB Group on Wednesday11th May 2016 on The Birdsof Sri Lanka, so I shall look forward to meeting up again next year.
A few poorly lit photos here, all taken from the Gladwin Hide.

great crested grebe

common gulls

goldfinch seed eating

Is it a carp, is it a rock? No, a badly timed gcg shot!

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