
Saturday 8 August 2015

Another butterfly watch

I headed back to Stocking Wood this afternoon at the hottest point of the day. In the ride which proved so successful yesterday, I came across the regular species: comma (2) peacock (15+) green veined white (3) small white (8) large white (2) speckled wood (1) brimstone (2) white letter hairstreak (1) gatekeeper (5)and meadow brown(10)
The hairstreak was again, not worth photographing, found high in a tree but other species lent themselves to a photo in sunny conditions. A common dater, female, was a first for the year, shown below.
I have a good feeling about this area and intend to pay a longer visit on Monday morning, trying to catch the hairstreaks as they come down in the morning to nectar on the knapweed etc. I think the vegetation here is good for a white admiral, too, so well worth a few hours. However, long trousers and socks required as there are too many low growing brambles in the undergrowth and these are very adept at wrapping around my sockless ankles!
female brimstone

female common darter

immaculate peacock

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