
Sunday 5 July 2015

Quick wander around Hadham Hall 05.07.15

Set off this afternoon with an hour spare to check dragons and damsels east of Hadham Hall. Left the 400mm lens at home, consequently great views of the male barn owl! No photos. I came across a stand of 33 pyramidal orchids, with 9 bee orchids and several large flowered evening primroses. I disturbed a grass snake whilst on the lagoon, a mallard duck with 2 juveniles, 5 non breeding tufted duck and a pair of mute swans.
I netted a few common blue and azure damsels and 2 emperor dragonflies were flying over the water. Upon arrival dark clouds from the west appeared and most odonata went to roost. 2 shaded broad bar moths were disturbed from the grass and overhead, linnets and swallows. In the hedgerow a reed bunting and yellowhammers called. A most pleasant hour.
pyramidal orchid

bee orchid

large flowering evening primrose, with pollen bettles

shaded broad bar

adult azure damselfly

close up of teneral common blue damselfly

complete view of common blue damsel recently emerged and ready to gain colour.

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