
Saturday 4 April 2015

Thorley Wash Reserve and local walk 04.04.15

Firstly, a quick trip to Thorley Wash, where a solitary swallow over was the highlight, my first of the year. All very quiet with the only other notable birds being 4 chiffchaffs, 20 goldfinches and the resident pair of common buzzards.
Earlier, from the back garden, I had watched 2 red kites and 3 common buzzards soaring high to the south of the village.
Following Thorley I took myself off to check on one of the local pairs of barn owls. Both were visible in their tree hole. However, most surprisingly, was a roosting tawny owl in the hole next door, just 1 metre away. A most unusual sight. Other birds of note around the village were the return of the mute swan pair to the lagoon near Hadham Hall + a couple of calling chiffers. Hopefully, Minsmere tomorrow
distant 200 metre shot of 3 owls of 2 species in the same tree.

returning mute swans, pen in front, cob behind.

1 comment:

  1. A enjoyable read Jono, and well done with the Owls
