
Thursday 9 April 2015

Amwell visit

A late afternoon, early evening visit to Herts and Middlesex Reserve at Amwell. 3 little ringed plovers were evident from the watchpoint along with a solitary redshank. One of the LRP's saw off a snipe but the rest were as per normal: shoveler, tufted duck, drake pochards, great crested grebe, 2 little egrets, grey herons, gulls (mainly BHG and common,) 40+ cormorants, teal, gadwall etc
The barn owl had not put in an appearance by the time I left around 7.30, but by then the light was too poor for a really worthwhile photo. A blackcap was heard near the level crossing and 3 swallows noted heading north overhead.
displaying lapwing

LRP and moorhen

little ringed plover

2 of the 3 that were present

LRP and redshank

Failing light for photos

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