
Thursday 12 March 2015

River Stort (Navigation) wander 12.03.15

A midday wander from Spellbrook to Pig Lane along the River Stort as well as circumnavigating Thorly Wash HMWT Reserve.
All rather quiet, with blue, long tailed and great tits showing in Wallbury swamp as well as a flyover male bullfinch. On the river, just a few moorhen, 4 mallards and a coot. The latter being an unusual bird for this part of the river. Also overhead, in total, 4 buzzards and numerous wood pigeons.
Over the actual reserve, a single kestrel hunted and on the deck were a few more moorhens whilst goldfinches (4) fed on teasel seeds.
Towards Pig Lane a kingfisher was heard flying up river as I was heading back down. A single chiffchaff called, as did 5 wrens in total.
A quiet walk but in the next 6 weeks this area will become home to sedge warblers, whitethroat and blackcap and, hopefully willow warbler, garden warbler, grasshopper warbler and cuckoo, so well worth keeping an eye on the whole stretch.
1st common buzzard of the walk

long tailed tit

reluctant green woodpecker

goldfinch on teasel
teasel: food source for goldfinches

another goldfinch in a party of 4

small tortoiseshell

4th buzzard of the walk



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