
Monday 9 March 2015

Feet back on the ground

After all the excitement and continual pinging of my phone over the heron versus weasel photos, it was back to a local walk and much more mundane photos as I enjoyed a morning walk back from town.
Not much on offer, in increasingly grey light, but did well for thrushes, with blackbird, redwing, fieldfare and mistle thrush all noted. Gold and greenfinches were knocking about as were the expected great, blue and long tailed tits. 2 common buzzards called along with a few skylarks whilst a solitary yellowhammer was heard from the hedge near the polo fields. In Millfield Lane, a large puddle in the stubble field had attracted the attention of a pair of mallards, but that, apart from crowsm jackdaws, magpies and jays, was just about it. That is, apart from the single, male kestrel near Brick Kiln Hill.
A treecreeper and great spotted woodpecker were heard but not seen in Muggins Wood, where also a green woodpecker was noted darting for cover.
2 redwing and a fieldfare, top right

male blacbird

mistle thrush

drake mallard

pair of mallard

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