
Sunday 16 November 2014

Norfolk: Grey but good.

Another early pick up in Bishop's Stortford before setting off to North Norfolk. Gary and I had to stop at a petrol station near Ely as I was being interviewed by BBC 3 Counties radio about Little Hadham. Once this was completed we continued, refreshed by our first coffee of the day.
Our first destination was Titchwell Reserve as some good birds had been reported on the sea. We arrived in grey light, too poor for photography but after searching the water we found several red throated divers and a great northern diver (a lifer for Gary.)  A most confiding black headed gull joined us at the broken pill box. Regular waders were on the beach, with good numbers of grey plover, several spotted redshank and sanderling. Back on to the Reserve, a fine drake pintail was found, still in poor light. A single whooper swan flew over the reserve, my first year lister of the day.

flyby oystercatcher

drake pintail

From the parrinder hide, huge numbers of lapwing, golden plover and teal. A snipe was observed along with godwits, dunlin and redshank. As we trooped back to the VC a chiffchaff was seen in the reeds, associating with blue and great tits. No brambling or siskin so off round to Thornham Harbour where Twite had been reported.
drake teal



 As soon as we were out of the car we heard several overhead and after a few minutes, watched 10 in a nearby tree. As can be seen here, the light remained appalling. Twite were lifer number 2 for Gary
silhouettes of twite
We now decided a quick trip to Holkham Gap to find the surf scoter I saw a few weeks ago. However, we stopped at Burnham Overy Staithe and got distant views of the long staying rough legged buzzard, lifer number 3 for Gary! Here, we heard of a black redstart at Sheringham and that the surf scoter was now at the west end of Holkham Pines. This would involve a 6 mile walk which time didn't permit, so off we set for Sheringham.
 After about a 15 minute wander around by the boating lake we both saw a bird hovering by window sills and Gary was on to my 2nd year lister of the day. This bird spent much time moving about around the blocks of flats and showed on the roof. Disappointingly, the light had not improved.
black redstart, probably 1st year bird

We then thought we would complete our Norfolk Day with, first, a sea watch at West Runton and then, a trip to see the rough legged buzzard and short eared owl just 10 minutes from home near Braughing.
At West Runton several more red throated divers, plenty of gulls and 2 razorbills. The latter being year lister number 3 for me.
Another coffee, a drive home and we were in Braughing before last light. Distant views of the RLB but the SEO didn't show after three quarters of an hour and any slim chance of getting even a record shot had gone with the fading light, so off home.
A good 79 species recorded in the day, 3 lifers for Gary and 3 year listers taking my total to a reasonable 212. This was my total for 2013 and with several trips (Kent, Norfolk) still to come, I suspect I shall beat this total.

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