
Saturday 4 October 2014

Oare Marsh visit

As I was giving an RSPB presentation in Thanet, I thought a few hours wandering around Elmley and Oare would be the order of the afternoon. Plans changed as I arrived at Elmley to find that it was closed on Tuesdays, so an extra hour at Oare.
Usual good numbers of waders; 1000 golden plover 300+ black tailed godwits, little stint, knot, dunlin, curlew sandpiper, ruff, ringed plover and lapwing.
A jack snipe was bobbing near the gate before flying off, over the road and dropping down into the sedge and out of view. Severla clouded yellow butterflies whizzed by whilst out on the Swale mud, shelduck, black headed gulls, oystercatchers, little egrets and a lone marsh harrier. Always a super little reserve to visit.
landing golden plover

golden plover

little stint, black tailed godwit, 2 golden plover and a knot

little stint, knot, golden plover and black tailed godwit


clouded yellow flyby

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