
Sunday 21 September 2014

Weekend at Portland Bill

Picking Gary up at noon and then driving to Portland on Friday meant we were birding around the Bill by 5.30pm, ticking off regular birds for this area such as shag, raven, rock pipit, wheatear and peregrine before returning to Weymouth to our b and b, an Indian and several beers.
Saturday morning and a full day beckoned. A stop off at Ferrybridge but little to be recorded due to a high tide and fog, so off to the bird observatory. Here, not much had arrived so after a wander we headed off to the Admiralty Quarry, but no hooded crow. A new place for both of us and an area that has potential. From here we popped into Radipole where we scored with kingfisher, bearded reedling, snipe, grey heron etc before a return to The Bill. En route we heard that a black guillemot was in Weymouth harbour and, following directions from Sean (many thanks, Sean) we found it as Sean arrived and pinpointed it some way out. A lifer for Gary.We then headed back to The Bill and a wander up to the privet hedge. Here, a most confiding wryneck was a year lister for both of us and one that we took plenty of photos of as it was showing so well. Not to be outdone, the local confiding kestrel proved to be even more tolerant of us than the wryneck, so some splendid photos.
meadow pipit




The Bill


carrion crows in morning fog


friendly wryneck


Another wander around The Bill added common buzzard, whinchat and stonechat before the light faded and we returned to Weymouth for another Indian and a few more beers at The Royal Oak and Edinburgh (The House of Sounds!)
This morning dawned bright and slightly more windy. Chance of a fall of birds, so we were at the Obelisk at 6.50a.m. but no passage. A willow warbler and good numbers of wheatear around here before we returned to the bird obs. It was apparent that there had been a reasonable fall of chiffchaff, with maybe 20 in the bird obs back garden and another 30 in the front, where also, a yellow browed warbler was recorded. The Obs quarry was full of regular birds, including the resident little owl as well as blackcap, whitethroat, robin, spotted flycatcher, linnet and numerous chiffchaff. A sea watch from the Obs patio gave views of several gannet and a great skua.
A quick walk up to Culverwell was most worthwhile because as we arrived, Joe appeared with a tree pipit to ring. Another lifer for Gary and he'll never get better views of one.
Huge numbers of linnets and more of the same here and back at The Obs garden. Time was pressing so after a final check around the West cliffs, stonechat, numerous wheatear, common buzzard and more kestrels and a flyover peregrine, we completed our stay with a flying visit to Ferrybridge. turnstones, ringed plover, med gull, dunlin, black tailed godwit all made the list, finishing with a pleasing 72 species.
Many thanks to warden Martin and assistant Joe for their help and willingness to show birds in the hand as they went about their job of ringing. Suspect the day total of chiffchaff was quite high!
Portland sunrise

magpie and common buzzard

wall butterfly

rock pipit

little owl

spotted flycatcher

tree pipit


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