
Thursday 4 September 2014

New bird for parish records

Having checked the moth trap at 6.00a.m. I thought a quick wander over the local golf course to the high ground of the parish may give views of some migrants. Very little in the way of birds as I approached the golf course, but immediately I went through the gate a small brown bird with black and white tail flew in front of me, landing some 20 yards away.
A whinchat: a new bird for my records. One that I had anticipated bumping into eventually but, nevertheless, very pleasing. The morning mist was still hanging so photography was not easy, as demonstrated below. As I tried to improve on shots taken, I noted a 2nd bird close by, another whinchat. This one, either a first year bird or female as it didn't show the bright supercillium of the first bird. Excellent stuff.
Apart from this; mallards, corvids, green woodpecker and a chiffchaff were about the sum total of birds seen on the course, with hedgerow birds added as I wandered back home.
This bird becomes the 105th species I have recorded in the parish.
initial view in murky conditions 6.45a.m.

adult male

adult male showing diagnostic tail feathers. 1st year bird or female perched

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