
Saturday 19 July 2014

Photos from 5 day Camargue trip

My aim for this trip was to gather a good selection of bird and wildlife photos to improve the ones already incorporated into the talk I give to RSPB members. These here are 2nds as I keep the major ones for the talk as some members look at this site beforehand and it would be rather tedious for them to sit through the talk having already seen the photos.

Day 1: Travel and local walk:

Arrived and was rapidly out, heading east along La Digue a la Mer footpath, which runs to the south of the Reserve and a path I would cycle in its entirety later in the trip.
hovering common tern

inquisitive little egret

same egret

distant hoopoe

looking north: greater flamingoes

yellow legged gull fly past

hovering and moulting sandwich tern

wood sandpiper

typical Camargue scene

one of many lagoon along La Digue path

Presumed black tailed skimmer dragonfly.
Day 2: Pont de Gau, Boat trip and general wander around:

Bus trip to Parc Ornitholique, boat trip up the Petit Rhone and then a good wander having picked up a push bike for a few days.
Another hoopoe

black winged stilts

black kite

cattle egret still showing breeding plumage

Skulking black crowned night heron

ringed white stork

Ring details sent to Parc Ornithologique and confirmed that it was ringed at the Parc in May of this year. Bred, had 3 young that have fledged.

very much the business end of a grey heron

suspected garden warbler, although beak doesn't look right in this shot.

whimbrel at La Capeliere

common tern

little tern
Mouth of the Petit Rhone

Large Camarguias bull
bulls feeding on the salicornes

Stes Maries de la Mer from the sea. Note church, used as a guide for ships to find the dock

La Guardian

La manade, driving the cattle and horses to pastures new
Day 3: 70km cycle ride over saltpans, along La digue, La Capeliere, Villeneuve and Albaron:

greater flamingo

slender billed gull

running kentish plover

garden warbler

spectacled warbler

black winged stilt

juvenile black winged stilt


great white egret at La Capeliere

very high short toed eagle

Route to the lighthouse and then on to La Capeliere

La Digue a la Mer cycle track

Phare de la Gacholle
Day 4: Petit Rhone, Paty de la Trinite, path to Mejanes:

to be id'd butterfly

zitting cisticola

gull billed tern

tourist trip on Petit Rhone

vagrant emperor

looking south along the path from Paty de la Trinite

Scarlet dragonfly

Immature male red veined dragonfly

yet to be id'd grasshoppery thing

adult male scarlet dragonfly

Day 5: airport and home


zitting cisticola

one of 30+ corn buntings.

Species List:
Over the days I was here, I kept a list of the species seen, shown below. Whilst only a fifth of the birds recorded on The Camargue Reserve (total is around 350 species) it reflects the birds present in mid July. I was not expecting too many other species, so a pleasing list, with a couple of new ones for my Camargue list.

little grebe, cormorant, night heron, cattle egret, squacco heron, little egret, great white egret, grey heron, purple heron, white stork (10) glossy ibis, greater flamingo, mute swan, shelduck, mallard, gadwall, red crested pochard, short toed eagle, black kite, marsh harrier,(20 sp) common buzzard, kestrel, pheasant, water rail, moorhen, coot, oystercatcher, black winged stilt, kentish plover, lapwing (30 sp) wood sandpiper, common sandpiper, greenshank, whimbrel, black headed gull, slender billed gull, mediterranean gull, yellow legged gull, little tern, sandwich tern (40 sp) gull billed tern, common tern, wood pigeon, collared dove, turtle dove, common swift, pallid swift, hoopoe, kingfisher, bee eater,(50 sp) roller, skylark, crested lark, sand martin, swallow, house martin, nightingale, stonechat, garden warbler, sardinian warbler (60 sp) spectacled warbler, sedge warbler, zitting cisticola, cetti's warbler, reed warbler, marsh warbler, great reed warbler, melodious warbler, great tit, blue tit, (70 sp) magpie, carrion crow, starling, house sparrow, chaffinch, serin, corn bunting.
In total, a pleasing 77 species.

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