
Monday 14 July 2014

Day 1 To The Camargue.

A horrendously early start from home saw me at Luton airport at 4.30a.m. For the 6.20 flight to Nimes. All went well and I was at Nimes station by 10. Next train to Arles; 12.34, so off to the adjacent bus station, where there was a bus at 10.20. It didn't turn up and neither did the 11.20, so back for the train. I arrived in Arles just in time for the bus to Saintes Maries de la Mer, is arrived in the Capital of The Camargue before 2. A long journey of 11 hours!
However, well worth it as on the bus, especially once we had passed Albaron on the D570 I got: black winged stilt, bee eater, cattle egret, little egret, purple heron and, highlight, a flyover roller at Paty de la Trinity. Only my 2nd roller for this area. What a start.
I checked in at my sea side accomodation and unpacked binocs and scope + camera and was out within 15 minutes. Temp was touching 35C, so beer was bought for the walk along Le Digue de la Mer. This is a track to the south of the region and well worth checking out. Amongst plenty of regulars such as hirundines, common sandpipers and greater flamingoes, I scored with hoopoe (2) red crested pochard, shelduck, melodious warbler, zitting cisticola, sardinian warbler, sandwich tern and little tern. Indeed, a good start. Back at the room by 7pm and now for a shower and out for a meal. Hungry, thirsty and tired, but very relaxed. Might hire a bike tomorrow for a trip further along the Digue to La Capeliere reserve, some 25km away and on the East of the Etang de Vaccares.
Only phone shots at present.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

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